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2023년 투자하기 좋은 코인 추천 - 코인 전망

Finance News

지난 10년 동안 가상화폐는 우리의 삶 속에 침투해 제3의 중재자 없이 개인과 개인이 커뮤니케이션할 수 있는 탈중앙 인프라를 구축했다. 가상화폐 시장이 끊임없이 진화하고 성장하면서 투자자들은 지금 투자할 수익성 높은 코인을 언제나 찾고 있다. 오늘은 올해 그리고 장기적으로 투자하기 좋은 유망코인에 관해 알아본다. 최초의 가상화폐 프로젝트 비트코인(Bitcoin)이 2009년에 등장한 이후 1만 8,000개 넘는 가상화폐가 출시됐다. 숫자는 계속해서 증가하고 있지만, 과연 모든 자산이 실제로 가치가 있을까? 통상 모든 가상화폐는 크게 두 가지 그룹으로 분류할 수 있다. 첫 번째 유형은 특정 용도를 가지고 개발된 프로젝트로 대체로 디파이(Defi) 산업을 업그레이드한다는 공통의 목적을 가진다. 두 번째 그룹은 투기성 자산으로 사실상 다른 프로젝트의 모방작이면서 재미를 위해 제작된 경우가 많다. 일부는 뛰어난 마케팅 전략으로 압도적 인기를 누리기도 하지만 다른 프로젝트는 아무런 가치가 없기 때문에 단순 실패로 돌아가기도 한다. 투자의 관점에서 첫 번째 그룹에 속하는 가상화폐에 투자하는 것이 위험성이 적고 수익성이 높을 것이다. 이들은 유망한 프로젝트로 만약 개발팀이 실행 계획을 성공적으로 실천한다면 가치가 그에 따라 상승하기 때문이다. 하지만 산업에는 이러한 프로젝트가 셀 수 없이 많다. 어떻게 투자해도 좋은 코인을 선별할 수 있을까? 본 가이드는 2023코인 전망 순위를 통해 지금 당장 투자해도 좋은 코인 전망 순위에 관해 알아본다. 2023년 코인 전망 순위 - 암호화폐 전망 아래에서는 암호화폐 전망에 관해 순위별로 자세히 분석해본다. 이 가이드에 따라 본인의 성향과 관심사에 맞는 가상 자산을 찾아보는 것을 추천한다. 1. 러브 헤이트 이누 - 실용적 사용 사례를 가진 고성장 밈코인 2. 파이트 아웃 - M2E 메카니즘을 사용하는 최첨단 피트니스 코인 3. C+Charge – 친환경 분야 최고의 유망코인 4. 이더리움 - 디앱(dApp) 개발을 위한 가장 유명한 블록체인 5. 스시스왑 - 가상화폐 트레이딩을 위한 AMM 기반 탈중앙화 거래소 6. 컴파운드 - 가상화폐를 대출할 수 있는 탈중앙화 유동성 풀 7. 비트코인 - 시가총액 1위, 세계 최대 가상화폐 8. 유니스왑 - 시가 총액 기준 세계 최대 탈중앙화 코인 거래소(DEX) 9. 샌드박스 - 최고의 메타버스 크립토 및 NFT 게이밍 플랫폼 10. 메이커 - 스마트 계약 기반 디파이 대출 플랫폼 11. 폴리곤 - 디파이 업계에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 가상화폐 1. 러브 헤이트 이누 - 실용적 사용 사례를 가진 고성장 밈코인 밈코인은 2021년 불장에서 큰 인기를 끌었던 가상화폐 유형이었지만 스캠 프로젝트나 개발팀의 수익 목적으로 개발된 허접한 프로젝트가 대거 등장하며 명성에 금이 갔다. 러브 헤이트 이누 (Love Hate Inu)는 신규 밈코인이지만 탄탄한 펀더멘탈과 혁신적 컨셉을 내세워 빠른 속도로 투자자의 신뢰를 얻고 있다. 비슷한 사용 사례를 제공하는 대부분의 밈코인과 다르게 러브 헤이트 이누는 보트투언(vote-to-earn)이라는 독특한 컨셉을 고안했으며 출시 직후부터 화제가 되고 있다. 프로젝트는 블록체인 기술을 활용해 사용자가 토큰을 스테이킹하여 밈 설문조사에 투표하면 보상을 제공한다. 소셜 미디어는 사회적으로 영향이 큰 만큼 러브 헤이트 이누와 같은 프로젝트는 향후 바이럴 인기를 끌며 대중에게 채택되고 가치가 상승할 것으로 기대된다. 러브 헤이트 이누의 체계적 투표 메카니즘은 사용자에게 정치, 예능, 사회적 문제 등 다양한 주제에 관해 의견을 표현할 기회를 제공하며, 소셜 미디어에서 이미 빠른 속도로 유명세를 타고 있다. 프로젝트는 독특한 블록체인 알고리즘과 익명성 보장 등의 기능을 제공해 기존의 온라인 설문조사 시장에 파괴적 혁신을 가져온다. 현재 프로젝트의 네이티브 토큰 LHINU 사전 판매가 시작했으며 초반부터 높은 투자 수요를 보이고 있다. 하드캡(최대 모집 투자금액)은 1,006만 8,750달러로 설정되어 있으며 관심 있는 투자자는 홈페이지에서 이더리움(ETH), 테더(USDT) 혹은 신용카드를 사용해 토큰을 구매할 수 있다. 개발팀은 전체 토큰 수량의 10%만 플랫폼의 거래소 상장 비용, 커뮤니티 보상, 유동성 확보 등을 위해 준비했으며 나머지 90%를 사전 판매에서 제공하여 인상적이다. 러브 헤이트 이누 의 최신 소식을 확인하려면 트위터 나 텔레그램 등의 소셜 미디어 공식 계정을 참고하는 것을 추천한다. 2. 파이트 아웃 - M2E 메카니즘을 사용하는 최첨단 피트니스 코인 파이트 아웃 (Fight Out)은 독특한 무브투언(move-to-earn) 프로젝트로 사용자가 운동 과제를 완수하면 토큰 보상을 지급한다. 그리고 이 메카니즘 하나만으로 올해 최고의 유망 코인 순위에 올랐다. 파이트 아웃은 무브투언 토큰을 개발해 사람들이 건강한 생활습관을 실천하고 피트니스 메타버스에서 활동할 수 있도록 지원한다. 플랫폼을 사용하기 위해서는 우선 파이트 아웃 앱을 다운로드 받아 계정을 생성해야 한다. 계정을 생성하면 파이트 아웃 메타버스에서 정체성을 형성하는 무료 아바타가 부여된다. 사용자가 현실 세계에서 다양한 운동 목표를 달성하면 메타버스의 디지털 아바타 역시 함께 성장한다. 보상으로 받은 토큰은 아이템 구매, 리그 참여, 전문 코치와의 개인 레슨 등 여러 용도로 사용할 수 있다. 보상으로 지급되는 토큰은 인앱 통화인 REPS이다. 네트워크의 네이티브 토큰 FGHT도 REPS로 교환할 수 있으며 REPS로 아바타를 꾸미는 다양한 NFT 자산을 구매할 수 있다. REPS는 또한 오프라인 파이트 아웃 체육관을 사용할 수 있는 회원권의 성격도 가진다. 프로젝트는 유명 격투기 파이터를 앰배서더로 영입해 프로젝트를 홍보하고 있으며 UFC, MMA 등에 출전하는 선수와 함께 메타버스 속에서 트레이닝할 기회도 주어진다. $FGHT 사전판매의 누적 투자금은 556만 달러를 돌파했으며 아직 거래소 상장 가격에 비해 저렴한 가격에 토큰을 구매할 수 있다. 사전 판매는 3월 31일 종료될 예정이기 때문에 관심 있는 투자자라면 서둘러야 할 수 있다. 3. C+Charge – 친환경 분야 최고의 유망코인 C+Charge 는 친환경 가상화폐에 투자하고 싶은 트레이더에게 2023년 최고의 추천 코인이다. 현재 C+Charge는 네이티브 토큰 CCHG의 사전 판매를 진행하고 있으며 사전 판매 7단계에서 토큰을 $0.02에 판매하고 있다. 5일 후에는 마지막 8단계에 진입하기 때문에 지금이 조금이라도 더 많은 토큰을 확보할 수 있는 절호의 기회이다. CCHG는 C+Charge 생태계를 뒷받침하는 토큰으로 전체 토큰 공급량이 10억 토큰이며 이 중에서 40%가 사전 판매에서 판매된다. 8%의 토큰은 거래소 상장 시 유동성 공급을 위해 배분되었다. C+Charge 생태계의 중심에는 C+Charge 앱이 있으며 앱은 전기차 운전자에게 다양한 혜택을 제공한다. 핵심 기능을 살펴보면: 인근 충전소 위치 탐색 - 앱은 전기차 운전자가 즉시 인근에 위치한 충전소의 위치를 탐색할 수 있도록 도와 미리 여정을 계획할 수 있도록 돕는다. 충전 요금 정보 - 전기차 운전자들은 여전히 충전소에 도착해서야 충전 요금 정보를 알게 된다. 하지만 C+Charge 앱을 사용하면 충전소에 도착하기도 전에 투명하게 요금을 확인하고 비교할 수 있다. 결제 시스템 - C+Charge에는 P2P 결제 시스템이 장착되어 있어 어디서든 쉽고 간편하게 CCHG 토큰을 사용해 충전 요금을 지불할 수 있다. 탄소 배출권 NFT - 사용자는 제휴 충전소에서 CCHG 토큰으로 차량을 충전할 수 있다. 이때 충전에 대한 보상으로 탄소 배출권 NFT를 획득할 수 있다. 프로젝트의 누적 투자금은 300만 달러에 근접하며 3월 31일에 사전 판매가 종료되어 저렴하게 토큰을 구매할 수 있는 날이 얼마 남지 않았다. C+Charge는 올해 최고의 지속가능한 친환경 코인으로 더 자세한 정보는 텔레그램 그룹 이나 백서 에서 확인할 수 있다. 4. 이더리움 - 디앱(dApp) 개발을 위한 가장 유명한 블록체인 이러디움(Ethereum)은 디파이(DeFi) 시장에서 가장 진화한 수익성 높은 코인 중 하나로 가상화폐를 한 번이라도 거래해 본 사람이라면 이름을 들어보았을 것이다. 이더리움은 러시아-캐나다인 프로그래머 비탈릭 부테린(Vitalik Buterin)이 창립했으며 시가 총액이 3,595억 달러로 전 세계 가상화폐 중 2위를 자랑한다. 이더리움은 탈중앙화 애플리케이션(디앱)을 개발하는 데 사용할 수 있는 블록체인 플랫폼으로 다른 수많은 가상화폐 프로젝트의 바탕이 된다. 이더리움은 스마트 계약을 사용한 최초의 플랫폼이다. 스마트 계약은 거래의 일정 조건을 만족시키면 당사자 간에 자동적으로 거래가 체결되는 자동 계약 프로토콜이다. 이더리움은 초기에 작업증명(PoW) 합의 알고리즘으로 배포되었지만 이제 보다 친환경적인 지분증명(PoW) 메카니즘으로 전환하는 과정에 있다. 이더(Ether)는 이더리움 블록체인의 네이티브 가상화폐로 티커 ETH를 사용하며 현재 $1,700 부근에서 거래되고 있다. 세계에서 가장 인기 있는 가상화폐 중 하나인 이더리움은 전 세계 대부분의 가상화폐 거래소와 브로커리지에서 지원한다. 토큰 보유자는 ETH 토큰을 스테이킹하여 네트워크 안전성을 도모하고 보상을 획득할 수 있다. 이더리움은 비트코인이 아닌 가상화폐 중 가장 투자 가치 높은 것으로 평가되며, 최고의 알트코인으로도 불린다. 5. 스시스왑 - 가상화폐 트레이딩을 위한 AMM 기반 탈중앙화 거래소 탈중앙화 앱의 개발과 함께 탈중앙화 코인 거래소(DEX)도 함께 등장하고 있다. DEX는 전통 거래소와 비슷하게 가상화폐의 구매 및 판매를 지원한다. 스시스왑(Sushiswap)은 이더리움 블록체인에서 개발된 탈중앙 코인 거래소 중 하나로, 다른 많은 DEX와 마찬가지로 집합적 유동성 풀을 사용한다. 제3자가 거래를 관리하는 전통 거래소와 달리, 스시스왑에서는 자산이 스마트 계약에 잠겨 있다. 토큰 보유자는 가상화폐를 ‘유동성 풀’에 제공하고 구매자가 토큰을 구매하게 된다. 이러한 메카니즘은 자동화된 마켓 메이커(AMM)라 불리며 중앙 거버넌스 주체 없이 모든 절차가 코드를 통해 처리된다. 스시스왑의 네이티브 토큰 SUSHI는 거버넌스 토큰이다. 즉 SUSHI 토큰을 보유한 사람은 누구나 프로젝트의 운영과 관련하여 개선사항을 제안할 수 있으며 다른 사람의 제안에 대해 투표하는 것도 가능하다. SUSHI는 $1 이하의 가격으로 시장에 데뷔하였다. 일 년도 안 되어 SUSHI 가격은 극적으로 상승하며 2021년 3월 13일 사상 최고가 $22까지 도달한다. 이후 SUSHI 가격은 지속적으로 감소하였으며 창립자 중 한 명의 대량 매도도 영향을 미친 것으로 알려졌다. 현재 SUSHI는 저평가된 상태로 많은 트레이더가 SUSHI를 최고의 수익률을 제공할 추천코인으로 지목하고 있다. 6. 컴파운드 - 가상화폐를 대출할 수 있는 탈중앙화 유동성 풀 컴파운드(Compound, COMP)는 기업가 로버트 레쉬너(Robert Leshner)와 제프리 헤이즈(Geoffrey Hayes)가 창립한 이더리움 기반 가상화폐 프로젝트이다. 프로젝트는 전통 금융 시장을 조성해 사용자가 자금을 대출하고 그에 대해 보상을 받을 수 있도록 지원한다. 반대로 대출자는 시장에서 대출을 받고 금리를 지불하면 된다. 현재 플랫폼은 10개 이상의 가상화폐를 지원하며 이더리움(Ethereum), 다이(DAI), 테더(USDt), USD코인(USDC), 랩트비트코인(Wrapped Bitcoin) 등이 포함된다. 컴파운드는 2017년 스타트업으로 시작하여 2018년에 안드레센 호로위츠(Andreessen Horowitz), 베인 캐피털 벤처스(Bain Capital Ventures) 등의 유명 기업으로부터 820만 달러를 투자 받았다. 이어서 2019년에는 코인베이스(Coinbase), 패러다임 캐피털(Paradigm Capital) 등으로부터 2,500만 달러 가까이 조달했다. 컴파운드는 여러 가상화폐의 대출 기능을 지원하는 것 외에도 자체 토큰 COMP가 존재해 플랫폼 사용자가 컴파운드 네트워크와 상호작용할 때 토큰을 지급한다. COMP 토큰의 최대 공급량은 1,000만 토큰으로 이미 67%가 유통되고 있다. 컴파운드의 시가 총액은 8억 3,600만 달러 이상으로 세계 100대 가상화폐 순위 안에 든다. 7. 비트코인 - 시가총액 1위, 세계 최대 가상화폐 비트코인(Bitcoin)은 세계 최초의 가상화폐로 2009년 사토시 나카모토(Satoshi Nakamoto)라는 별명으로 활동한 개인 혹은 그룹에 의해 창립되었다. 시간이 지남에 따라 비트코인은 큰 인기를 누렸으며 이 과정에서 시가 총액 기준 세계 최대 가상화폐로 성장했다. 비트코인의 성장 이유에는 2,100만 BTC로 제한된 토큰 공급량도 원인으로, 이미 1,900만 토큰 이상이 유통되고 있다. 비트코인은 탈중앙화 결제 시스템을 구축해 전 세계 누구나 익명성을 유지하며 원하는 곳으로 트랜잭션할 수 있도록 지원하는 것을 목표로 한다. 비트코인은 작업증명(PoW) 프로토콜 기반의 블록체인 기술을 사용한다. 비트코인 채굴자가 되기 위해서는 정교한 하드웨어가 필요하며 새로운 블록을 생성하기 위해서는 방대한 양의 전기 에너지가 필요하다. 비트코인 추천 이유 하나는 프로젝트가 산업에서 가장 저명한 코인이기 때문이다. 이미 몇몇 대기업은 BTC 결제를 지원하며 비트코인으로 상품 혹은 서비스를 구매할 수 있다. 다음 이유는 비트코인의 낮은 공급량으로, 향후 비트코인 수요가 증가할 때 가격에 긍정적 영향을 미칠 주요 원인이 된다. 1 BTC를 구매하기에는 자금이 부족하더라도, 일부 조각만 구매할 수 있어 적은 자본금을 투자하는 것도 가능하다. 많은 전문가는 비트코인을 포트폴리오에 견고함을 더해줄 최고의 가상화폐로 평가한다. 수많은 알트코인이 0을 향해 가는 와중에도 비트코인은 언제나 신고점을 경신했다. 8. 유니스왑 - 시가 총액 기준 세계 최대 탈중앙화 코인 거래소(DEX) 유니스왑은 유동성 풀을 통해 탈중앙화 거래소(DEX)를 구축하는 또 하나의 이더리움 기반 프로젝트이다. 유니스왑 플랫폼에는 두 가지 회원군 유동성 공급자(liquidity provider)와 트레이더가 존재한다. 첫 번째 회원군은 자산을 스마트 계약에 잠그며 두 번째 회원군인 트레이더는 이 자산을 구매하고 판매할 수 있다. 매도자와 매수자는 유니스왑에서 거래를 처리하는 대가로 거래 수수료를 지급하며, 이 수수료는 나중에 유동성 공급자에게 UNI 토큰을 지급하는 데 사용된다. 이러한 방법을 통해 전체 과정을 통제하는 제3자 없이도 플랫폼을 운영할 수 있다. 가상화폐 산업에는 여러 DEX 프로젝트가 존재하지만, 유니스왑은 그 중에서도 압도적 관심을 받으며 시가 총액 기준 세계 최대 규모의 탈중앙화 암호화폐 거래소로 성장했다. 유니스왑은 자동 유동성을 제공하기 위해 구축된 최초의 DEX 중 하나이다. 프로젝트는 2018년 헤이든 아담스(Hayden Adams)가 창업했다. 2020년에 플랫폼은 2020년 9월 이전에 한 번이라도 플랫폼에서 거래한 적이 있는 회원에게 400 토큰을 에어드랍했다. 유니스왑 토큰은 거래 수수료 지불 및 유동성 공급자 보상 제공 외에도 거버넌스 토큰으로 역할을 수행해 프로젝트의 중요 안건에 대해 투표할 권리를 나타낸다. 9. 샌드박스 - 최고의 메타버스 크립토 및 NFT 게이밍 플랫폼 샌드박스는 가장 유명한 메타버스 프로젝트 중 하나로, 사용자는 플랫폼에서 NFT 형태의 아바타를 제작하고, 개발하며 샌드박스 마켓플레이스에서 판매해 보상을 획득할 수 있다. 플랫폼은 높은 기능성을 제공해 사용자가 단순히 아바타를 소유할 뿐 아니라 무기, 의류, 악세사리 등을 구매해 장착할 수 있다. 사용자는 또한 플랫폼에서 LAND라고 하는 필지를 소유할 수 있다. LAND는 다양한 아이템으로 업그레이드 가능하며, 토지에서 이벤트를 주최하고 입장료를 받는다거나 다른 사용자에게 임대하여 수익을 창출할 수 있다. 샌드박스 프로젝트는 전체 네트워크를 가동하기 위해 유틸리티 토큰이자 거버넌스 토큰인 SAND을 개발했다. SAND는 거래 수수료, 보상 지급, 스테이킹, 안건 투표 등 다양한 용도로 사용된다. SAND의 시가 총액은 9억 달러에 달하며 시가 총액 기준 전 세계 가상화폐 50위 안에 든다. 10. 메이커 - 스마트 계약 기반 디파이 대출 플랫폼 메이커(Maker) 프로젝트는 초창기 디파이 프로젝트 중 하나로 2015년에 덴마크 창업자 룬 크리스텐슨(Rune Christensen)이 창업했다. 프로젝트는 메이커다오(Maker DAO)와 메이커 프로토콜로 구성된다. 메이커 다오는 메이커 프로토콜을 운영하기 위한 탈중앙화 조직이며 메이커 프로토콜은 사람들이 DAI 코인을 발행할 수 있도록 지원한다. DAI는 USD 페깅 스테이블코인으로 다시 말해 시장 여건에 상관없이 코인 가치가 미국 달러와 동일하게 유지된다. 메이커다오는 거버넌스 토큰 MKR 가상화폐로 구동되며 토큰을 보유한 사람은 누구나 메이커다오 생태계의 소유권을 일부 가진다. 즉 MKR 보유자는 프로젝트의 개발에 참여하고 관련 제안에 투표할 수 있다. MKR 코인은 현재 $716에 거래되고 있으며 시가 총액은 7억 달러에 달한다. 가상화폐의 최대 공급량은 100만 5,577 MRK 코인이며 이미 97%가 유통되고 있다. 11. 폴리곤 - 디파이 업계에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 가상화폐 폴리곤(Polygon) 프로젝트는 전 세계적으로 유명한 가상화폐로 지난 2년 동안 기록적 상승률을 보여준 코인이다. 하지만 폴리곤이 투자 추천 코인 순위에 오른 이유는 프로젝트의 성장 잠재력 때문이다. 폴리곤 프로젝트는 가장 성장 가능성이 높은 유망한 가상화폐 중 하나로 가상화폐 커뮤니티에 회자되며 거대한 지지 커뮤니티를 보유한다. 폴리곤은 2017년에 매틱 네트워크(Matic Network)로 처음 출시되었다. 얀티 카나니(Jaynti Kanani), 샌딥 네일왈(Sandeep Nailwal), 아누라그 아르준(Anurag Arjun)는 블록체인 업계에서 쌓은 상당한 경력을 바탕으로 폴리곤을 창립해 인도에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 가상화폐 프로젝트로 성장시켰다. 폴리곤은 최고의 이더리움 확장 및 인프라 개발 이니셔티브가 되는 것을 목표로 한다. 폴리곤의 핵심 구성 요소인 폴리곤 SDK는 유연한 모듈러 프레임워크로 다양한 유형의 애플리케이션을 쉽게 개발할 수 있도록 돕는다. 개발자는 폴리곤을 사용해 옵티미스틱 롤업 체인, ZK 롤업체인, 스탠드- 얼론 체인 등 필요로 하는 모든 종류의 인프라를 개발할 수 있다. 폴리곤은 이더리움을 완전한 멀티 체인 시스템(이른바, 블록체인의 인터넷)으로 변환한다. 폴리곤의 네이티브 토큰 MATIC은 시가 총액 기준 전 세계 10위 안에 들며 2021년 불장에서 최고의 상승률을 자랑한 알트코인 중 하나였다. 투자자들은 다시 상승장이 오면 이러한 흐름이 반복될 것이라 생각하고 크립토 윈터 와중에도 대량으로 MATIC을 매집하고 있다. 폴리곤은 IOU를 거쳤다. IOU 후에 메인넷 출시가 이루어진 코인은 알레오 코인을 포함해 다양하다. IOU는 I Owe You의 약어로 코인의 일정량을 아직 시장에 풀리기 전에 먼저 사고 파는 것을 뜻한다. 폴리곤 외에도 알레오 코인 상장을 비롯해 많은 사람들이 IOU를 거친 코인의 전망을 기대하고 있다. 마치며 가상화폐가 우리 곁에 다가온지 아직 20년도 안 되었으며 따라서 완전히 신뢰할 수 있을 정도로 정립되었다고 할 수 없다. 가상화폐 시장은 높은 변동성을 특징으로 하며 투자금 손실이 발생할 위험성도 크다. 높은 위험성이 수반되는 만큼 가상화폐에 합리적으로 투자할 수 있다면 높은 수익률 또한 기대할 수 있다. 가상화폐에 투자해도 되는 시기인지 분석할 때에는 거시 경제, 정치적 상황 등 다양한 요인을 고려해야 한다. 거래 수준을 높여 투자 성공률을 극대화하기 위해서는 철저한 펀더멘탈 조사 및 시장 분석이 뒷받침되어야 한다. 본 가이드는 2023년 투자하기 좋은 코인추천 순위를 알아보았으며 이제 이 중에서 선호하는 암호화폐 골라 투자하면 된다. 집필진의 추천 코인 1위는 러브 헤이트 이누 이다. LHINU는 독특한 보트투언 토큰으로 올해 성장 잠재력이 매우 높으며 과소평가해서는 안 될 유망코인이다. Contact Details Finance News Alex Brown

March 19, 2023 10:51 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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New to The Street Airs its Televised Corporate Interviews on Newsmax TV and The FOX Business Network, Episodes 449 and 450; Broadcastings Begin Saturday, March 18, 2023, at 3:30 PM ET

New To The Street

The Following Corporate interviews will air on Newsmax TV, episode 449, Saturday, March 18, 2023, at 3:30 PM ET, and on the FOX Business Network, episode 450, Monday, March 20, 2023, at 10:30 PM PT. 1). Health Insurance – Health in Tech's interview with Tim Johnson, CEO. 2). E-commerce/ Digital Marketing – Society Pass Incorporated's (NASDAQ: SOPA) ($SOPA) interview with Dennis Nguyen, Founder/CEO/Chairman. 3). Digital Marketing Solutions– Deviate Digital Agency's interview with Jonas Muthoni, Founder/CEO. 4). Sustainable Solutions - The Sustainable Green Team, Ltd.'s (OTCQX: SGTM) ($SGTM) HumiSoil Product Commercial. 5). "Sekur Privacy & Sekur Security Segment -The Weekly Hack" interview with internet privacy expert Mr. Alain Ghiai, CEO, Sekur Private Data, Ltd. (OTCQX: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0) ( Sekur® ). Tim Johnson, CEO of Health in Tech, sits with New to Street's TV Host Jane King from the Nasdaq MarketSite studio to discuss the Company. As a disruptive innovator in the health insurance industry, Heath in Tech provides technological-based self-funded health insurance solutions for the needs of small businesses. Most businesses in the US have under 100 employees who need comprehensive insurance coverage. Many small businesses have few options for good insurance coverage at costs that can be sustainable. Tim informs viewers as an insuretech Company, he and his team are constantly looking for improvements in cost-effective insurance for small entities. In the Fall of 2022, the Company launched "eDIYBS" (Do it Yourself Benefits System), a web-based software platform that gives a real-time health insurance quote. Insurance brokers, carriers, and other healthcare insurance professionals can log on to the system and shop for the best possible healthcare coverage. A legacy insurance system can take up to 2 weeks or longer for a small business owner to receive a quote; eDIYBS provides quotes within minutes. Approximately $3.5T is spent yearly in the US on health care, and Health in Tech looks for innovations to reduce health coverage costs. The Company has a team of executives with years of experience in the health insurance industry ready to assist small business owners and their healthcare brokers with the best and cheapest insurance. Health In Tech eDIYBS platform continues to see more brokers and carriers signing up. Tim welcomes employers, insurance carriers, and brokers to sign up through the Company's website, The interview will air on Newsmax TV, episode 449, March 18, 2023, 3:30 PM ET and on the FOX Business Network, episode 450, March 20, 2023, 10:30 PM PT. The on-screen QR code is available during the show; download or visit Health in Tech - From the Nasdaq MarketSite studio, New to The Street TV airs Dennis Nguyen, Founder, CEO, and Chairman at Society Pass Incorporated. (NASDAQ: SOPA) ($SOPA) interview with TV Host Jane King. Society Pass is a leading Southeast Asia e-commerce and fintech Company with several business verticals. Dennis tells viewers that 2022 was an excellent year for the Company, with more acquisitions and higher revenue growth from its 6- business verticals - loyalty awards, lifestyle, telecom, travel, food/beverage, and digital media ads. In March 2022, Southeast Asia lifted its Covid restrictions, and SOPA's travel subsidiary NusaTrip, a leading Indonesia-based online travel agency, has seen upward solid growth. Dennis and the travel industry call it "Revenge Travel," where people want to go somewhere after being on lockdown during the Covid crisis. NusasTrip's revenues are up monthly, and travel bookings remain strong. NusaTrip has access to over 500 airlines and over 200,000 hotels to assist customers in bookings. Dennis states that the Company continues to execute its business plan outlined to investors at the time of the Company's IPO. The number of employees has grown from forty-five (45) in 2021 to about two hundred fifty (250) in 2022, and SOPA expects to employ about five hundred (500) in 2023. Women play a significant role in SOPA's growth and success, with over 50% of its personnel being women. SOPA will soon file its US SEC 2022 Annual Report on FORM 10K, providing operational and financial disclosures. The interview will air on Newsmax TV, episode 449, March 18, 2023, 3:30 PM ET and on the FOX Business Network, episode 450, March 20, 2023, 10:30 PM PT. The on-screen QR code is available during the show; download or visit Society Pass Incorporated - New to The Street's TV Host Jane King interviews Jonas Muthoni, CEO/Founder of Deviate Digital Agency (Deviate). From the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) studio, Jonas explains Deviate's business model and how it assists with many clients in different industries. Many businesses overlook the importance of using the many available digital marketing channels. Jonas and his team explore other digital marketing ideas with clients putting together a comprehensive strategy and creating an effective business plan to achieve maximum digital content exposure for clients' goods/services. Deviate differs from competitors because they partner with clients, using strategies and ideas to get the best social media coverage and digital marketing exposure. With its technology platform, Deviate can provide digital matrix information so a client can see data results. Those results can assist in adjusting methods to get the best possible outcomes for brand awareness and sales generations. Jonas and his team's optimization strategies, website designs /developments, paid ads, and professional social media marketing tools can grow a client's e-commerce footprint for years. The interview will air on Newsmax TV, episode 449, March 18, 2023, 3:30 PM ET and on the FOX Business Network, episode 450, March 20, 2023, 10:30 PM PT. The on-screen QR code is available during the show; download or visit Deviate Digital Agency - New to The Street airs The Sustainable Green Team, Ltd.'s (OTCQX: SGTM) ($SGTM) HumiSoil Product Commercial. The onset of modern agricultural methods with the innovation of synthetic fertilizers is destroying soil's natural components. Soil has lost the ability to maintain nutrients and water from the overused non-organic fertilizers. Humus is the main compound of soil, the energy of the ground, which is like a battery storing much-needed nutrients and water for the growth of crops. A depletion of a soil's energy reduces crop yields. The soil cannot regenerate or recharge without humus for future crop yields. A sustainable solution is SGTM's HumiSoil product which uses less water, no fertilizer requirements, and can yield 100% organic vegetables, fruits, and flowers. The product rebuilds soil hydration on a cellular level and keeps CO2 from being released into the atmosphere, creating an organic soil composition that feels and smells very earthy. HumiSoil has a "Zero-Carbon" footprint and works in any climate, soil, and atmospheric conditions as a sustainable organic product. The Earth has a population of about 8 billion people, and sustainability will be the key to future generations' access to sustainable agricultural products to ensure healthy and robust food sources. HumiSoil is now available for gardeners and farmers. The Sustainable Green Team, Ltd. and VRM BioLogik Group have a strategic relationship, and a distribution agreement, whereas SGTM can produce and sell HumiSoil in the USA / Caribbean markets. The HumiSoil product commercial will air on Newsmax TV, episode 449, March 18, 2023, 3:30 PM ET and on the FOX Business Network, episode 450, March 20, 2023, 10:30 PM PT. Viewers can learn more at The Sustainable Green Team, Ltd. - New to The Street re-airs its "Sekur Privacy & Sekur Security Segment – The Weekly Hack " with Alain Ghiai, an internationally acclaimed internet privacy expert and the CEO of Sekur Private Data, Ltd. (OTCQX: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0). Alain talks with TV Host and Multi-media Journalist Ana Berry about several cybersecurity breaches at GoDaddy. The cPanel access, an open-source code platform used by coders and programmers at GoDaddy, is the possible source of numerous hacks. Hackers accessed the cPanel and installed malware redirecting hosted domains and email accounts. GoDaddy's customers experienced many business disruptions from these cyberattacks. can offer a business and individuals a secure and private e-communication platform. SekurMail, with its SekurSend/SekurReply options, protect both the subscriber and the recipient, even if the recipient is not a Sekur subscriber. Sekur, a closed-loop encrypted military platform, operates on its wholly owned servers in Switzerland and offers a security solution unavailable on those free, open-source Big Tech platforms. A business can migrate its domain onto the Sekur services platform. SekurMail is $7.00 for individuals and $10.00 for a business email, and with PROMO CODE: PRIVACY, subscribers can get an additional 15% off monthly and yearly subscriptions, good for 5-years on uninterrupted subscriptions. With Sekur's enhanced security features, end-users can greatly minimize a possible cybercriminals attack. Sekur Private Data, Ltd. operates its internet platforms and security businesses under the country of Switzerland's very tough privacy laws. It never data mines, never sells data, and never asks for a phone number. The on-screen QR code is available during the show to download more info or visit Sekur Private Data, Ltd. – The interview re-airs on Newsmax TV as episode 449, March 18, 2023, 3:30 PM ET and on the FOX Business Network as episode 450, March 20, 2023, 10:30 PM PT. What is your privacy worth? About Health in Tech: Health in Tech is the industry-leading insurtech Company that delivers disruptive innovation and proprietary technology to reimagine everything one needs to know about risk, underwriting, and self-funding, making all processes better, faster, and more efficient for everyone involved. Clients can get a quote for small and medium-sized groups from weeks to minutes. Health in Tech provides all the insurance information available within seconds, delivering clients an all-encompassing "Cradle to Grave" solution. Its technology platform provides immediate access to actionable data and tools, giving efficient and accurate information on health insurance options - About Society Pass Incorporated (NASDAQ: SOPA): Founded in 2018 as a data-driven loyalty, fintech, and e-commerce ecosystem in the fast-growing markets of Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, which account for more than 80% of the Southeast Asia (SEA) population, and with offices located in Angeles, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, Manila, and Singapore, Society Pass Incorporated ( NASDAQ: SOPA ) is an acquisition-focused holding company operating six interconnected verticals (loyalty, digital media, travel, telecoms, lifestyle, and F&B), which seamlessly connects millions of registered consumers and hundreds of thousands of registered merchants/brands across multiple product and service categories throughout SEA. Society Pass leverages technology to tailor a more personalized experience for customers in the purchase journey and transform the entire SEA retail value chain. SoPa operates Thoughtful Media Group, a Thailand-based, social commerce-focused, premium digital video multi-platform network; NusaTrip, a leading Indonesia-based Online Travel Agency; Gorilla Networks, a Singapore-based, web3-enabled mobile blockchain network operator;, Vietnam's leading lifestyle e-commerce platform;, a popular grocery delivery company in the Philippines;, a leading online restaurant delivery service based in Vietnam; and, a leading local restaurant delivery service in Philippines - About Deviate Design Agency: Deviate Design Agency is a specialized team with one of the most robust branding, digital marketing, and social media strategies practiced in the entire industry. The Agency corner the market with exclusively learned skill sets known by only a few in the marketing world. Its experts deliver some of the most effective campaigns ranging from global enterprises to today's up-and-coming startup businesses. Deviate Design Agency's seasoned professional marketing, advertising, design, and web experts provide a full spectrum of marketing services, from massive social media presence and strategic planning to designing and developing ads, websites, and print collateral that perform. With all their information, Deviate Design knows what the marketplace responds to and can quickly create a financial lift for their clientele. They seek to get to know their clients and build long-term working relationships - About The Sustainable Green Team, Ltd. (OTCQX: SGTM) ($SGTM) The Sustainable Green Team, Ltd. (OTCQX: SGTM) ($SGTM) is an emerging provider of environmentally beneficial solutions for preserving natural resources and the municipal waste and recycling industries. The Company is a wholesale manufacturer and supplier of wood-based mulch and lumber products, primarily in the Midwest, Southeast, and Ohio Valley regions. The Company also provides arbor care and storm recovery services to municipalities, corporations, and consumers, primarily in the southeastern United States. The Company plans to expand its operations through organic growth and strategic acquisitions that are both accretive to earnings and positioned for rapid growth from the resulting synergistic opportunities identified. The Company's customers include governmental, residential, and commercial clients - About VRM BioLogik Group: Since 1987, VRM BioLogik has developed and implemented technological advances globally that catalyze natural reactions, aiding in soil restoration, resolving environmental emergencies, and cleaning through attaining and sustaining ecosystem balance. VRM's agricultural product range works to enhance crop yield while restoring the nutrients in soils naturally. Its cleaner product range naturally removes residues from surfaces that harbor viruses and pathogens. The environmental management product range works to address and amend difficult environmental circumstances, including balancing wastewater, control of odor and organics digestion during emergency spills, and eliminating odors. VRM's livestock product range is a probiotic approach to environmental management in intensive growing situations - About Sekur Private Data Ltd. (OTCQX: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0): Sekur Private Data, Ltd. (OTCQX: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0) is a cybersecurity and internet privacy provider of Swiss-hosted solutions for secure communications and secure data management. The Company distributes a suite of secure cloud-based storage, disaster recovery, document management, encrypted emails, and secure communication tools. It sells its products through its websites, approved distributors, and telecommunication companies worldwide. Sekur Private Data, Ltd. serves consumers, businesses, and governments worldwide - and; Twitter: @sekurprivate. About New to The Street: New to the Street is an FMW Media production that operates one of the longest-running US and International sponsored and syndicated Nielsen Rated programming television brands, "New to The Street," and its blockchain show, "Exploring The Block." Since 2009, these brands have run biographical interview segment shows across major U.S. television networks. The paid-for-television programming platforms can potentially reach over 540 million homes in the US and international markets. FMW's New to The Street / Newsmax televised broadcasting platform airs its syndication on Saturdays at 3:30 – 4:00 PM ET. FMW is also one of the nation's largest buyers of linear television, long and short-form paid programming - & Forward-Looking Statements Disclaimer: This press release contains forward-looking statements within Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the following words: "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "ongoing," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "will," "would," or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. However, not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance or results and will not necessarily be accurate indications of the times at which such performance or results are achieved. This press release should be considered in all filings of the Companies contained in the Edgar Archives of the Securities and Exchange Commission at Contact Details Business Development New To The Street +1 516-696-5900 FMW Media Contact Monica Brennan +1 917-330-2564 Company Website

March 17, 2023 10:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Renting Can Be A Frustrating Process – Rentberry Makes It Easier For Tenants And Landlords Alike


By Faith Ashmore, Benzinga If you’ve ever tried to rent an apartment or any other property, you know first-hand how frustrating the process is. There’s almost no transparency, and the renter is essentially at the landlord's mercy. This can be especially anxiety-inducing if you are in a time crunch to find your next home. At the end of the day, tenants are eager for unambiguity and want to save valuable time, whereas landlords want to lease to quality tenants at the highest price. Existing online platforms like Zillow, Trulia or RentPath do not meet any of the above needs. These websites have outdated features with an absence of transparency when it comes to application processes, and that’s even if the platform is complete, to begin with. Rentberry could be the solution. Rentberry is an online rental platform that streamlines the entire long-term rental process. This eliminates the need for middlemen like agents and brokers that ultimately add more complications than help. The platform is simple and intuitive, and Rentberry offers landlords and tenants a contact-free, transparent and automated means of renting properties. It works like this: tenants select a property they like, then they are able to analyze the competition. On Rentberry, an applicant can see how many offers have been submitted for a listing as well as other pertinent information. For example, a potential tenant can see whether a competing applicant has offered higher monthly rent, is a smoker, has roommates or pets, and more. By providing renters with this information, Rentberry gives them more power to negotiate and choose their properties wisely. A tenant can then submit an application, upload all necessary documentation, and if they are approved by the landlord, there is a lease eSign option. From there the rental property is managed digitally through Rentberry. Everything is done in one place, saving both parties time, money and stress. Rentberry aims to be a one-stop shop for all renter needs – the platform allows tenants to make monthly payments, request maintenance and communicate with the landlord. Plus, if and when a tenant decides to change properties, their previously saved information is ready to be plugged into a new application. Rentberry understands the importance of simple organization and systems that foster a healthy tenant-landlord relationship. With workforces now more mobile after the shift to work-from-home, demand for renting is only increasing and the need for an intuitive rental platform is higher than ever. Not only is renting popular among millennials, but high mortgage rates are pushing homeowners back onto the rental market. Approximately 41% of Americans, 56% of Swiss, and 40% of Germans choose to rent versus buy. And simply put, larger players like Zillow may not be creating a satisfying experience when it comes to the rental process. But Rentberry is, and it plans to lead the pack on innovation. This article was originally published on Benzinga. Rentberry is the first closed-loop platform that makes the long-term rental process transparent and safe, offers contactless rental experience, and helps properties realize their true market price. Its patented technology allows tenants to submit custom offers and potentially save $87 billion on move-in costs that are currently blocked as rental security deposits. This post contains sponsored advertising content. This content is for informational purposes only and not intended to be investing advice. Contact Details Oleksii Humeniuk Company Website

March 17, 2023 09:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Over 800,000 Verified Carbon Offsets: Empowering Local Communities and Tackling Climate Change Head-On


McapMediaWire -- Arma Services Inc. (OTC: ARMV ) is excited to announce the expansion of our wholly owned subsidiary, Bret Consultores SAPI de CV. Our clear mission is to develop effective and highly valuable carbon offset projects. By broadening our portfolio of high-value carbon removal offsets, we take a critical stride towards combating climate change. About Bret Our experienced management team has developed over 40 carbon offset projects across five Mexican states. To date, Bret is developing activities along with forestry land owners to generate more than 800,000 offsets, under the Climate Action Reserve Protocol and Verra showcasing our ability to create a meaningful impact on the environment with social and environmental safeguards. Bret's mission is to benefit the planet and local communities that rely on it by enhancing the resilience of ecosystems and communities through generating high-quality credits from carbon removals. Bret's co-founder, Maria Teresa Tattersfield, emphasizes the company's core values, stating, "At Bret, we're deeply committed to creating a sustainable future for both the environment and the people who depend on it. Our approach to carbon offset projects ensures the highest quality results while fostering positive change in local communities." Bret partners with ejidos (indigenous communities) and private landowners in Mexico to produce high-quality offsets. Up to 85% of carbon credit revenues are distributed to local communities, creating a positive impact on both the environment and the lives of those who depend on it. Bret's forestry carbon removal credit projects have a duration of seven years with an option to renew and are considered "removal" credits. This means they remove carbon from the atmosphere through forestry management practices that sequester carbon in trees and soils. Through Bret's dedication to transparency and analytics, clients trust us to deliver exceptional results. About the Projects Bret operates in various Mexican regions, including Chihuahua, Durango, Jalisco and Quintana. In Chihuahua, the country's largest state, Bret collaborates with ejidos and private landowners to create high-quality offsets. Chihuahua's diverse climates and geography include deserts, mountains, canyons, and forests. Bret's Improved Forest Management (IFM) projects cover over 53,000 hectares in Chihuahua, impacting over 7,919 direct beneficiaries. These projects follow the Climate Action Reserve's Forest protocol for Mexico. In Durango, Bret works with Indigenous and communal lands spanning over 64,000 hectares. Known for its pine-oak ecosystem and diverse fauna, Durango hosts previously extinct species such as the Mexican black bear. Bret's IFM projects benefit over 1,832 direct beneficiaries and also adheres to the Climate Action Reserve's Forest protocol for Mexico. Bret also has 5 projects in Jalisco, a western state renowned for its cultural elements, such as mariachis and tequila. Bret is also initiating joint venture operations in Quintana Roo, a southeastern state rich in Mayan history, where many Mayan cities still exist. Quintana Roo is situated on the eponymous peninsula and borders the Gulf of Mexico to the north. At Arma Services Inc., our unwavering commitment to transparency and analytics sets us apart. We utilize proprietary AI software to ensure the highest quality carbon credit removals and measure the impact of our carbon offset projects in real-time. Our clients trust us to deliver outstanding results, and we view our work not just as a business, but as a responsibility. Join us in the fight against climate change by visiting our website at or Bret’s website at to learn more about our innovative carbon offset projects. About Arma Services Inc.: At Arma Services Inc., we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of the battle against climate change. Our mission is clear: to develop carbon offset projects that are not only effective, but also highly valuable. Our expertise lies in the forestry, agriculture, and technology sectors, where we use our proprietary AI software to ensure that the carbon credits we create are of the highest quality. Our commitment to transparency and analytics is second to none, and we are proud to say that our clients trust us to deliver the best possible results. By using cutting-edge technology, we can measure the impact of our carbon offset projects in real time, providing our clients with the data they need to make informed decisions about their carbon footprint. We believe that our work is not just a business, but a responsibility. As a public company, we are dedicated to making a positive impact on the environment and on the world at large. By expanding our portfolio of high value removals carbon offsets, we are taking a crucial step in the right direction. At Arma Services Inc., we are committed to a better future for all. Safe Harbor Statement This Press Release may contain certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company has tried, whenever possible, to identify these forward-looking statements using words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "plans," "intends," "potential," and similar expressions. These statements reflect the Company's current beliefs and are based upon information currently available to it. Accordingly, such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that could cause the Company's actual results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by such statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or advise in the event of any change, addition, or alteration to the information catered in this Press Release, including such forward-looking statements. CONTACT: Arma Services, Inc. 7260 West Azure Drive |Suite 140| Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 89130 Phone. 1.725.235.7766 Email. Website. SOURCE Arma Services Inc. Contact Details Arma Services, Inc. Company Website

March 17, 2023 08:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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UAT Group Subsidiary, Ossifix Orthopedics Begins Expansion

Umbra Applied Technologies Group, Inc.

McapMediaWire -- Umbra Applied Technologies Group, Inc. (OTC: UATG ) (UAT Group) announced today that its subsidiary, Ossifix Orthopedics has begun expanding beyond Texas starting with southern and north-eastern part of the United States. Over the past several weeks, the Company has onboarded five new account managers across eleven cities in Texas with expansion into the New England area currently underway. The Company has slated the second fiscal quarter of the year for expansion across four major metropolitan cities in Louisiana and across twenty-one major metropolitan cities in Florida. Ossifix CEO, Mark Estrada, stated: “We are currently in the process of expanding operations and onboarding distribution channels in select target regions. Additionally, in Q2 we will launch two unique foot and ankle product lines.” The Company projects more than one-hundred surgeries to be completed in Q2 alone with a 20% increase month over in growth. Results from initial surgeries have demonstrated early ambulation trend with many patients driving the next day. Results of the surgeries have dramatically increased interest in the Javelin pin which formed the basis for the Company’s decision to start expansion and led to the Company to begin increasing its salesforce. Constructed of select, high-density, allograft, cortical bone, the proprietary design of the Ossifix Orthopedics Javelin pin ensures rigid fixation without pin slip or pirouetting. Manufactured of 100% allograft bone, Ossifix implants are designed for small bone, extremities, and sports medicine markets, but have applications in the craniofacial, spine and oral surgery procedures. Resorbable implant technology is readily accepted and used in today’s market, both domestically and globally. Ossifixs’ unique manufacturing process and designs yield an engineered cortical bone implant that provides secure fixation and virtually eliminates any allergic or autoimmune reactions associated with metal or plastic/polymer implants. All Ossifix Orthopedics Pin, Screw and Plate Systems are single-use surgical kits with all necessary instruments for implantation and are based on decades of clinical experience and use in the operating room. Ossifix products are designed to be used in hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, and specialty clinics. Distribution is scheduled throughout North America, and globally in Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, as well as the Middle East and Africa. This global market is currently experiencing an estimated growth of 14% per year and is expected to reach $4.696 billion in sales this year. Umbra Applied Technologies Group Chief Executive Officer, Alex Umbra, commented, "The growth and interest that Ossifix has experienced is unprecedented. With the launch of their additional product suites coming later this year, Ossifix will be a disrupting force within a niche but significant market segment”. Ossifix Orthopedics will continue to meet with hospital systems, surgical centers and orthopedic surgeons across the U.S. with international sales slated to begin later this year. For more information about Ossifix Technologies go here: About Umbra Applied Technologies Group, Inc. The firm is located in Tampa Florida and focuses on advanced technologies across many disciplines. UAT Group is a holding company with interests in both public and private companies during the early stages of development as well as growth stages of companies with a synergistic business model to UAT Group subsidiaries. For more information, visit: Investor and Media Contact: NEITHER THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE COMMISSION NOR ITS REGULATION SERVICES PROVIDER ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OR ACCURACY OF THIS NEWS RELEASE. Forward-Looking Information This news release may include "forward-looking statements" including forecasts, estimates, expectations, and objectives for future operations including but not limited to its ability to conclude a business combination with a third party, sale of assets, return of capital or initial public offering and a secondary listing on the OTC as a result of aforementioned and its ability to fund the exploration of its assets through the raising of equity or debt capital or through funding by a joint venture partner that are subject to a number of assumptions, risks, and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of Umbra Applied Technologies Group including but not limited to capital markets and securities risks and continued development success on technology. There can be and are no actual or implied guarantees that any of the above activities will be completed or completed on terms acceptable to the Company and its shareholders or approved by any regulatory authority having jurisdiction. Such forward-looking information represents management's best judgment based on information currently available. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual future results may vary materially. Umbra Applied Technologies Group does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except as required by applicable law. Contact Details Umbra Applied Technologies Group, Inc.

March 17, 2023 08:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Pixyle AI recognized as a 2023 Top 100 Retail Tech Company by CB Insights


Pixyle AI, a leading provider of artificial intelligence-powered product attribution and automatic tagging solutions, has been recognized as a 2023 Top 100 Retail Tech Company by market intelligence platform CB Insights. The CB Insights Retail Tech 100 is an annual list of the most promising retail technology companies around the world. The companies on the list are selected based on several factors, including business momentum, market potential, and investor quality. Founded in 2018 by Svetlana Kordumova, a PhD in AI and Computer vision from the University of Amsterdam, Pixyle AI helps fashion retailers with image recognition solutions, enabling them to deliver a better online shopping experience, boost e-commerce sales, and improve efficiency in catalogue management with smart product data entry. The company's technology is used by leading retailers around the world, including Sephora, Macy's, and L'Oreal. Svetlana Kordumova, founder and CEO of Pixyle AI commented: "We are thrilled to be recognized as one of the top 100 retail tech companies by CB Insights. This underlines our success in making online shopping as frictionless as possible, and hopefully a bit more fun and enjoyable by letting people easily find what they are really looking for. Having the right metadata associated with product images helps retailers capture everyday popular search queries as well as long-tail searches. This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team in delivering innovative AI-powered visual search and recommendation solutions to retailers around the world." Pixyle’s visual AI finds the location of fashion items in images, determines the category of the item i.e dress, sneaker etc and then Pixyle AI digs deeper into the image to classify attributes i.e. colour, pattern etc in language that shoppers use. This enhances the product data and improves the relevancy in search results for product discoverability, leading to higher conversion rates. The tags generated by Pixyle AI can be easily absorbed into a retailer’s existing e-commerce stack, making their search and discovery platform run seamlessly and faster. The premise behind Pixyle AI is that search engines and site search are failing shoppers owing to inconsistent, incomplete and inaccurate data quality linked to products that isn’t helping them find what they are looking for. Research shows that 94% of searches deliver irrelevant results and 72% of sites completely fall short of search expectations. As a result, the majority of shoppers abandon their search and they’re not coming back. Google has estimated (in the US alone) the cost of such bad search experiences is $300B in lost revenue each year ( source ). Svetlana Kordumova added: “Retail footfall has increased post pandemic but online shopping for clothes will continue to grow. We are also encouraged by the growth of the fast-growing fashion resale market, which presents a significant first-mover opportunity for Pixyle AI to help the circular economy take off. We have built algorithms specifically for user-generated images, allowing the AI to detect and recognize fashion items even in blurry, homemade selfies.” Pixyle AI, with offices in Amsterdam and North-Macedonia, helps brands and retailers all over the world including Tendam (Spain), Otrium (Netherlands) and Miinto (Denmark). Since going live in 2019, Pixyle AI has worked with retailers having tagged over 250M images, improving the relevance and accuracy of product attributes with 95% accuracy and increasing conversions by 10% on average. About Pixyle AI Pixyle AI is on a mission to transform the way people discover products online by helping retailers build better search with visual AI. Pixyle AI provides image recognition solutions for fashion retailers, enabling them to improve efficiency in catalogue management, deliver a better online shopping experience and boost e-commerce sales. The team is based between offices in Amsterdam and North-Macedonia and works with retailers all over the world including Depop (UK), Otrium (Netherlands) and Miinto (Denmark). For more information please visit About CB Insights CB Insights builds software that enables the world's best companies to discover, understand, and make technology decisions with confidence. By marrying data, expert insights, and work management tools, clients manage their end-to-end technology decision-making process on CB Insights. To learn more, please visit Contact Details Pixyle Bilal Mahmood +44 7714 007257 Company Website

March 17, 2023 07:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Quona Capital selected for ImpactAssets’ Twelfth “IA 50 Impact Fund” Listing

Quona Capital

Quona Capital, a venture firm focused on financial inclusion in emerging markets, today announced it has been selected for ImpactAssets’ prestigious “IA 50 Impact Fund” listing for the fourth consecutive year. The listing, made up of private debt and equity impact investing fund managers, represents a broad range of geographies and impact areas of focus. More information is available here. Quona Capital invests in companies that are expanding access to financial services for underserved consumers and small businesses in Latin America, Africa/MENA, India and Southeast Asia. Quona’s Fund I (AFIF) was anchored by nonprofit financial inclusion pioneer Accion and was deployed in a strong portfolio of investments that included the exits of (acquired by Go-Jek ), and the IPO of IndiaMart, a B2B e-commerce company in India. The firm closed Fund II (AQF) with $203 million in commitments, and Fund III (QAF) with $332 million in commitments from a variety of global asset managers and insurance companies, investment and commercial banks, as well as university endowments, foundations, family offices, and development finance institutions. In its twelfth year, the IA 50 continues to raise awareness of impact fund managers across impact areas, maturity, and geographies, serving as a basis for deepening understanding of the field. The IA 50 breaks out managers in three categories, including the core IA 50 list, IA 50 Emerging Impact Managers list and IA 50 Emeritus Impact Managers list. Across all three categories, a record 163 impact fund managers were included totaling $122.48 billion in assets, invested across a range of asset classes and impact themes. “As early pioneers in the impact measurement and impact investing space, we are delighted to be included once again in the IA 50,” said Quona co-founder and Managing Partner Monica Brand Engel. “As signatories of the IFC’s Operating Principles for Impact Management—a framework for investors to ensure that impact considerations are purposefully integrated throughout the investment lifecycle—Quona blends purpose with progress, capital with community, and innovation with execution to help founders build a more financially inclusive world.” This year’s IA 50 shows that impact doesn't mean financial sacrifice; 76% of IA 50 managers target market rates or above market rates of return, and 98% reported delivering either in line or above their initial target returns. “What makes the IA 50 so special is its independent Review Committee, comprised of a diverse mix of industry veterans, expert practitioners and impact champions. Throughout the IA 50’s 12-year tenure, we have honed a rigorous application, analysis and scoring process to support the Review Committee in selecting interesting fund managers for the IA 50 directory. In doing so, the IA 50 has become a staple resource for investors to source impact investment ideas to consider for their own due diligence,” says Margret Trilli, CEO and Chief Investment Officer, ImpactAssets. Quona, a venture capital firm founded in 2015 by Monica Brand Engel, Jonathan Whittle, and Ganesh Rengaswamy, was one of the first venture investors focused exclusively on emerging market fintech. Today the firm has team members in Brazil, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, South Africa and the US, which enables it to support its portfolio with connections across emerging and developed markets, facilitating the cross-pollination of ideas, best practices and strategic relationships among potential partners, investors, and acquirers. “Our collective backgrounds as founders and builders of financial technology businesses in Quona’s target markets, as well as our work in venture, private equity, investment banking and microfinance, bring unique expertise to bear for our portfolio companies, and unique insights for our investors,” said Engel. “Our four-time inclusion in the ImpactAssets 50 list is great recognition of Quona’s leadership in impact.” About Quona Quona Capital is a venture firm focused on fintech that can expand access for underserved customers and small businesses in emerging markets including Latin American, Africa and the Middle East (MENA), India and Southeast Asia. Quona’s global partners are experienced investors and operators in both emerging and developed markets, and invest in entrepreneurs whose companies have the potential to provide outstanding financial returns and promote breakthrough innovation in financial inclusion for both consumers and SMEs. The firm’s most recent Impact Report is available for download here: More at About ImpactAssets The IA 50 is the first publicly available database that provides a gateway into the world of impact investing for donors and/or investors and their financial advisors, offering an easy way to identify experienced impact investment firms and explore the landscape of potential investment opportunities. The IA 50 is intended to illustrate the breadth of impact investment fund managers operating today, though it is not a comprehensive list. Firms have been selected to demonstrate a wide range of impact investing activities across geographies, sectors and asset classes.* *The IA 50 is not an index or investable platform and does not constitute an offering or solicitation to buy or sell securities or a private placement, or recommend specific products. Nor is this an endorsement of any of the listed fund managers. It is not a replacement for due diligence. To be considered for the IA 50 2023, fund managers needed to have at least $25 million in assets under management, more than three years of experience as a firm with impact investing, documented social and/or environmental impact and be available for US investment. Additional details on the selection process are available Contact Details Shannon Austin +1 703-338-8813 Company Website

March 16, 2023 02:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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ARway announces company has signed multiple deals for augmented reality navigation


ARway CEO Evan Gappelberg joined Steve Darling from Proactive with news that the company has locked up five new deals for its Software Development Kit. Gappelberg tells Proactive the deals range from using the ARway platform for existing map management of virtual tours at museums & art galleries to using ARway in Airports for Wayfinding and Guided tours. Contact Details Proactive Investors Canada +1 604-688-8158

March 16, 2023 01:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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10 Best Crypto Signals 2023 - Which Coins Will Moon Next?

Finance News

Signals provide real-time trading suggestions on cryptos that have the potential to go to the moon. Each crypto signal will advise the coin to trade as well as the suggested entry and exit prices, helping you make informed trading decisions. In this guide, we rank and review the 10 best crypto signals providers for 2023. Let’s begin! List of the Best Crypto Trading Signals The 10 best cryptocurrency trading signals can be found on the list below: Jacob Bury Discord - Overall Best Crypto Signals Provider for Small-Cap Gems - Premium Crypto Signals on Large-Cap Pairs Learn 2 Trade Algorithm - Automated Crypto Signals via AI and Machine Learning Altsignals - Popular Crypto Signals for Binance Futures MYC Signals - Spot Trading Signals Plus Leveraged Derivatives CoinCodeCap - Free Crypto Signals via Telegram UpperSpec - Combine Crypto Education With Trading Signals WOLFX Signals - Up to Four Telegram Trading Signals Each Day Signals Blue - Both Short and Long-Term Signals for BTC and USDT Pairs Signals - Free Signals Sent via an iOS and Android App Best Paid and Free Cryptocurrency Trading Signals for 2023 The best crypto signals come with daily insights into coins that have the potential to explode. In the sections below, we review the 10 best providers in this space. 1. Jacob Bury Discord - Overall Best Crypto Signals Provider for Small-Cap Gems The overall best crypto signals for 2023 are offered by Jacob Bury. This popular analyst has a growing following in the crypto market. Not only via Bury’s YouTube channel and Twitter feed, but Discord too. Jacob Bury has a solid reputation for finding small-cap gems that have the potential to explode. In particular, Bury likes to focus on quality presales. And when he finds a gem that is worth backing, he posts a signal to his community via Discord. To offer some insight, Bury was one of the first analysts to publicly back Tamadoge during the project’s presale. Tamadoge then went on to generate gains of over 20x after the presale had finished. Bury also sent a signal on Lucky Block to his community in early 2022, which went on to moon by 60x. One of Bury’s latest Discord cryptocurrency signals suggests investing in a newly launched project called Love Hate Inu. Bury explains that its vote-to-earn concept will likely resonate strongly with the crypto community. And as such, Bury is predicting gains of 100x or more. We looked into Love Hate Inu further and found that its ecosystem will reward users for voting on political events, social issues, and more. Rewards are paid in the native token, LHINU. Furthermore, users will need to stake LHINU to access the voting dashboard. This ensures that votes are conducted by legitimate people and that fraud and manipulation is alleviated. Bury’s signal on Love Hate Inu suggests investing in the presale at the earliest opportunity, as stage one offers the lowest price possible. At the end of the presale, LHINU will be listed on an exchange 70% higher than stage one of the presale. In addition to Love Hate Inu, the Jacob Bury Discord has also sent signals about two other hot presales. The first is Fight Out, which has already raised $5.4 million in presale funding. This project is building a rewards-based app for fitness, alongside a metaverse gaming world with virtual challenges and tournaments. The native token is FGHT, and Bury believes that its train-to-earn mechanism has the potential to skyrocket after the presale concludes this month. The Jacob Bury Discord also sent a signal regarding C+Charge. This presale project is building a charge-to-earn concept across more than 1.8 million EV charging stations worldwide. EV drivers will receive tokenized carbon credits after charging their cars and paying with CCHG tokens. CCHG is native to C+Charge and is currently available via the ongoing presale. The C+Charge presale has already raised almost $3 million. All in all, Jacob Bury Discord remains the best place to find newly launched crypto gems that have the potential to explode. Visit Love Hate Inu - Jacob Bury’s Latest Signal Visit Jacob Bury Discord 2. - Premium Crypto Signals on Large-Cap Pairs While Jacob Bury Discord tends to focus on small-cap gems, specializes in short-term trading signals. By signing up for the premium plan, 2-3 crypto signals are sent to members every day. Each signal will focus on a large-cap trading pair, such as BTC/USD or ETH/USD. In addition to the pair, signals inform members whether to go long or short, and which limit entry price to set. Moreover, also sends risk-management tools, covering both take-profit and stop-loss orders. This allows members to place the suggested orders at their chosen exchange, without needing to do any research. As such, will appeal to traders that have limited time or experience in technical analysis. Each signal is derived from the in-house trading team. This signal provider also utilizes algorithms to help source trading opportunities in real-time. Moreover, offers one of the best crypto signals Telegram groups. Not only does each signal send an alert via Telegram, but it comes with the charting analyst that supports the research. This allows members to learn the intimate details of each signal. This top-rated signals provider has an 82% win rate and superb ratings in the public domain. The premium plan costs just £42 per month and can be canceled any time. Lower subscription fees are available when signing up for a three, six, or 12-month plan. With that said, also offers the best free crypto signals in the market. Its free Telegram group has more than 50,000 members and supplies three signals per week. The free signals come with the same entry/exit price suggestions as the premium plan, so offers a great way to try risk-free. We also like that offers free educational resources. This includes guides on trading, reading pairs, placing orders, and safely utilizing leverage. Visit 3. Learn 2 Trade Algorithm - Automated Crypto Signals via AI and Machine Learning Learn 2 Trade is an established crypto signals provider that also specializes in forex. This provider is renowned for its daily Telegram signals, with 3-5 suggestions sent to premium members. Learn 2 Trade also offers a free crypto signals Telegram group. This provides members with three free signals per week. With that said, Learn 2 Trade has recently launched a new product - L2T Algo. Put simply, this is a premium crypto signals service that automates the end-to-end process. This means that instead of needing to manually place the suggested orders, the L2T Algo does this on behalf of traders. As such, the L2T Algo offers a passive trading experience without any input required from subscribers. The L2T Algo operates 24/7 and is backed by machine learning across more than 15,000 lines of code. It continuously scans the crypto markets with more than 100 technical and economic indicators to find the next trading opportunity. Since backtesting began nearly two years ago, the L2T Algo has achieved a 79% win rate. Crucially, the underlying algorithm is profitable in both bullish and bearish markets. In total, the L2T Algo averages 40 trades per month. In terms of fees, Learn 2 Trade charges just £99 per month on a flexible plan. A three and six-month plan is cheaper, working out at £67 and £58 per month, respectively. Those seeking a bit more control over their investments might consider the Learn 2 Trade Telegram crypto trading signals group. This costs £40 per month on a flexible plan but does go down to £12 per month when paying annually. Moreover, Learn 2 Trade has some of the best free educational material in the crypto and forex spaces. This includes long-form guides, courses, and daily technical analysis. Finally, Learn 2 Trade offers 24/7 customer support via live chat. First-time customers can speak with an agent to find the best signals product for their financial goals. Visit Learn 2 Trade Now 4. Altsignals - Popular Crypto Signals for Binance Futures Launched in 2017, Altsignals specializes in crypto trading signals for Binance futures. This provider will appeal to traders that wish to speculate on short-term price movements with leverage. Each Binance signal suggests leverage of 3x, 5x, or 10x - depending on the confidence level of the analysis. Altsignals has more than 1,500 VIP members in its Telegram group and there is also support for This means that members can automate the signal process, so suggested orders will be entered on the connected exchange automatically. Altsignals charges $119 per month for its Binance signals. The provider claimed a 64% win rate in February, and results are updated at the end of each month. The main drawback with Altsignals is that it does not offer free cryptocurrency trading signals. As such, members won’t be able to test the provider out before making a payment. 5. MYC Signals - Spot Trading Signals Plus Leveraged Derivatives MYC Signals is an established signals provider that was launched in 2017. This provider offers three individual signals services to choose from. First, there is the BTC-only spot trading service, which is aimed at beginners. The signals follow a swing trading strategy and 1-2 suggestions are sent each week to premium members. This costs $60 per month. Next, there is an altcoin spot trading service, which comes with 3-5 signals per week. This also follows a swing trading strategy but costs $120 per month. For more experienced traders, there is a crypto futures signal service at $150 per month. This follows a day trading strategy that supports both long and short positions. Moreover, across 3-5 signals per week, some positions suggest leverage of up to 125x. Alternatively, for $225 per month, members can access all three plans. Do note that MYC Signals does not offer free signals or a trial. 6. CoinCodeCap - Free Crypto Signals via Telegram Those searching for the best crypto signals Telegram channels might consider CoinCodeCap. The CoinCodeCap Telegram channel is home to over 23,000 members, with free signals arriving sporadically throughout the week. The channel also offers on-demand market analysis through technical charts and drawings. Free members also receive daily crypto news and educational tips. Most of the free crypto signals sent by CoinCodeCap are highly leveraged. For example, its Telegram channel recently posted a Binance futures trader on GMX/USDT with a two-hour profit margin of over 9,000%. As such, CoinCodeCap will only appeal to traders that feel comfortable entering high-leverage positions. Like move signals providers, CoinCodeCap also offers a premium plan. This costs $70 per month and covers both the spot and futures markets. The plan also supports, so signals can be traded automatically. There is also a lifetime plan at $300. 7. UpperSpec - Combine Crypto Education With Trading Signals UpperSpec will appeal to those seeking trading signals while learning about the crypto market at the same time. Its Crypto VIP plan costs €50 per month and includes signal suggestions with entry and exit prices. Each signal also comes with a full charting analysis, so that members can understand how the suggestion was curated. Moreover, VIP members have access to a 24/7 chat room on Discord, enabling traders to share their insights in real-time. Do note that when signing up for the VIP plan, members that wish to cancel will need to do so at least 10 working days before the next payment cycle. Although there is also a free plan, this does not include signals. Instead, it only offers access to free crypto courses. 8. WOLFX Signals - Up to Four Telegram Trading Signals Each Day WOLFX Signals WOLFX Signals is a popular crypto signals provider that operates globally. Its signals cover three key trading regions - Asia, London, and the US. Moreover, signals are sent through real-time Telegram alerts. The Wolfx Signals Telegram channel has over 77,000 members. This offers access to two free signals per week, and there is no requirement to open an account. However, to receive up to four signals per day, then members need to sign up for the premium plan. This costs $89 per month and can be canceled at any time. There is also a lifetime plan at $279. Either way, the premium plan also offers weekly reports on trading results, personalized customer service, and support for third-party bots. WOLFX Signals also offers forex signals at $89 per month. Alternatively, for $139 per month, members get access to both forex and crypto signals via the same account. The main drawback of WOLFX Signals is that it does not offer educational guides. 9. Signals Blue - Both Short and Long-Term Signals for BTC and USDT Pairs Signals Blue is a premium signals provider that charges a hefty monthly fee of £229.99. Moreover, both integration and API support each cost an additional £19.99 per month. With that said, opting for a six-month or lifetime plan brings the price down considerably. Signals Blue is popular for the variety of signals that it offers. For example, some signals are based on short-term strategies, ranging from a few hours to a couple of days. The provider also offers mid and long-term signals, with some positions remaining open for several months. Moreover, Signals Blue also offers leveraged signals, which will appeal to traders that are comfortable with crypto futures. All signals come with profit targets and stop-losses, ensuring that traders know when to exit a position. Signals Blue is compatible with multiple crypto exchanges, including Binance, Coinbase Pro, Kucoin, Kraken, and Huobi. Do note that Signals Blue does not offer live chat, so customer queries must be sent via email. 10. Signals - Free Signals Sent via an iOS and Android App Those looking for the best crypto signals app might consider Signals. This provider offers free signals via its iOS and Android app, with a strong focus on altcoins. Notifications can be set up to ensure that signals are received in real-time. Moreover, each signal comes with three take-profit prices, in addition to a suggested stop-loss. Next to each take-profit suggestion, the Signals app displays the upside in percentage terms. This will suit beginners that are new to the fast-paced crypto trading scene. In addition to signals, the app also comes with an in-built trading bot. This notifies users when an altcoin experiences a rapid increase in trading volume. The Signals app also enables users to create a watchlist for their favorite coins, with real-time pricing. How to Find the Best Crypto Signals Most crypto signals providers make bold claims about their profitability levels. As such, research is key before paying for a monthly subscription. Here’s what to consider when selecting the best crypto trading signals for 2023. Past Performance Crypto signals are sought-after by traders that wish to generate consistent gains. Therefore, the primary focus is often on how much the signal provider makes throughout the month. However, the win rate stated by the provider is only credible if it can be verified. If the provider offers access to its Telegram channel without needing to register, then this enables users to verify previous signals. Users can then compare previous results with the stated win rate. Free Trial An even better way to evaluate the performance of a crypto signals provider is to sign up for a premium plan via a free trial. This will permit unfettered access to its signals without needing to risk any money. As each signal is delivered, the user can place the respective orders via an exchange demo account. At the end of the trial, the user can then assess whether or not the signals were profitable. If they were, then the user might consider signing up for a paid plan. Although the likes of and Learn 2 Trade do not offer a free trial, they both have a 30-day money-back guarantee. This also enables users to test the providers out making a longer-term commitment. Types of Crypto Signals There are many different types of crypto signals available in the market. For example, the Jacob Bury Discord channel is aimed at investors that seek low-cap gems with a huge upside potential. As noted earlier, Bury has had huge success with crypto presales that have gone on to generate sizable gains. His latest pick, Love Hate Inu, is expected to be the biggest presale of the year., on the other hand, specializes in shorter-term signals. Many of its signals are based on a day trading strategy, with positions usually remaining open for a few hours. Then there’s Learn 2 Trade, which offers an algo-backed trading bot that automates the signals process. This means that users do not need to manually place the suggested orders on exchanges. Pricing Pricing is another important consideration to make when researching the best crypto trading signals. We found that both and Learn 2 Trade are competitive in this regard. Monthly plans cost just £42 and £40 with these providers, respectively. At the other end of the scale, Signals Blue charges £229.99 per month for its signals service. What’s more, additional fees are required to trade via Conclusion Crypto signals are ideal for investors with little to no experience in technical analysis. Signals are also popular with time-starved traders that wish to fast-track the research process. Overall, the Jacob Bury Discord channel offers the best cryptocurrency trading signals in 2023. Bury has had huge success in recent months with new and emerging cryptocurrencies that are entering the market for the first time. His latest pick, Love Hate Inu, just launched its presale campaign a week ago and has already raised over $820k. Visit Love Hate Inu Visit Jacob Bury Discord Contact Details Finance News Alex Brown

March 16, 2023 01:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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