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2023년 투자하기 좋은 코인 추천 - 코인 전망

Finance News

지난 10년 동안 가상화폐는 우리의 삶 속에 침투해 제3의 중재자 없이 개인과 개인이 커뮤니케이션할 수 있는 탈중앙 인프라를 구축했다. 가상화폐 시장이 끊임없이 진화하고 성장하면서 투자자들은 지금 투자할 수익성 높은 코인을 언제나 찾고 있다. 오늘은 올해 그리고 장기적으로 투자하기 좋은 유망코인에 관해 알아본다. 최초의 가상화폐 프로젝트 비트코인(Bitcoin)이 2009년에 등장한 이후 1만 8,000개 넘는 가상화폐가 출시됐다. 숫자는 계속해서 증가하고 있지만, 과연 모든 자산이 실제로 가치가 있을까? 통상 모든 가상화폐는 크게 두 가지 그룹으로 분류할 수 있다. 첫 번째 유형은 특정 용도를 가지고 개발된 프로젝트로 대체로 디파이(Defi) 산업을 업그레이드한다는 공통의 목적을 가진다. 두 번째 그룹은 투기성 자산으로 사실상 다른 프로젝트의 모방작이면서 재미를 위해 제작된 경우가 많다. 일부는 뛰어난 마케팅 전략으로 압도적 인기를 누리기도 하지만 다른 프로젝트는 아무런 가치가 없기 때문에 단순 실패로 돌아가기도 한다. 투자의 관점에서 첫 번째 그룹에 속하는 가상화폐에 투자하는 것이 위험성이 적고 수익성이 높을 것이다. 이들은 유망한 프로젝트로 만약 개발팀이 실행 계획을 성공적으로 실천한다면 가치가 그에 따라 상승하기 때문이다. 하지만 산업에는 이러한 프로젝트가 셀 수 없이 많다. 어떻게 투자해도 좋은 코인을 선별할 수 있을까? 본 가이드는 2023코인 전망 순위를 통해 지금 당장 투자해도 좋은 코인 전망 순위에 관해 알아본다. 2023년 코인 전망 순위 - 암호화폐 전망 아래에서는 암호화폐 전망에 관해 순위별로 자세히 분석해본다. 이 가이드에 따라 본인의 성향과 관심사에 맞는 가상 자산을 찾아보는 것을 추천한다. 1. 러브 헤이트 이누 - 실용적 사용 사례를 가진 고성장 밈코인 2. 파이트 아웃 - M2E 메카니즘을 사용하는 최첨단 피트니스 코인 3. C+Charge – 친환경 분야 최고의 유망코인 4. 이더리움 - 디앱(dApp) 개발을 위한 가장 유명한 블록체인 5. 스시스왑 - 가상화폐 트레이딩을 위한 AMM 기반 탈중앙화 거래소 6. 컴파운드 - 가상화폐를 대출할 수 있는 탈중앙화 유동성 풀 7. 비트코인 - 시가총액 1위, 세계 최대 가상화폐 8. 유니스왑 - 시가 총액 기준 세계 최대 탈중앙화 코인 거래소(DEX) 9. 샌드박스 - 최고의 메타버스 크립토 및 NFT 게이밍 플랫폼 10. 메이커 - 스마트 계약 기반 디파이 대출 플랫폼 11. 폴리곤 - 디파이 업계에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 가상화폐 1. 러브 헤이트 이누 - 실용적 사용 사례를 가진 고성장 밈코인 밈코인은 2021년 불장에서 큰 인기를 끌었던 가상화폐 유형이었지만 스캠 프로젝트나 개발팀의 수익 목적으로 개발된 허접한 프로젝트가 대거 등장하며 명성에 금이 갔다. 러브 헤이트 이누 (Love Hate Inu)는 신규 밈코인이지만 탄탄한 펀더멘탈과 혁신적 컨셉을 내세워 빠른 속도로 투자자의 신뢰를 얻고 있다. 비슷한 사용 사례를 제공하는 대부분의 밈코인과 다르게 러브 헤이트 이누는 보트투언(vote-to-earn)이라는 독특한 컨셉을 고안했으며 출시 직후부터 화제가 되고 있다. 프로젝트는 블록체인 기술을 활용해 사용자가 토큰을 스테이킹하여 밈 설문조사에 투표하면 보상을 제공한다. 소셜 미디어는 사회적으로 영향이 큰 만큼 러브 헤이트 이누와 같은 프로젝트는 향후 바이럴 인기를 끌며 대중에게 채택되고 가치가 상승할 것으로 기대된다. 러브 헤이트 이누의 체계적 투표 메카니즘은 사용자에게 정치, 예능, 사회적 문제 등 다양한 주제에 관해 의견을 표현할 기회를 제공하며, 소셜 미디어에서 이미 빠른 속도로 유명세를 타고 있다. 프로젝트는 독특한 블록체인 알고리즘과 익명성 보장 등의 기능을 제공해 기존의 온라인 설문조사 시장에 파괴적 혁신을 가져온다. 현재 프로젝트의 네이티브 토큰 LHINU 사전 판매가 시작했으며 초반부터 높은 투자 수요를 보이고 있다. 하드캡(최대 모집 투자금액)은 1,006만 8,750달러로 설정되어 있으며 관심 있는 투자자는 홈페이지에서 이더리움(ETH), 테더(USDT) 혹은 신용카드를 사용해 토큰을 구매할 수 있다. 개발팀은 전체 토큰 수량의 10%만 플랫폼의 거래소 상장 비용, 커뮤니티 보상, 유동성 확보 등을 위해 준비했으며 나머지 90%를 사전 판매에서 제공하여 인상적이다. 러브 헤이트 이누 의 최신 소식을 확인하려면 트위터 나 텔레그램 등의 소셜 미디어 공식 계정을 참고하는 것을 추천한다. 2. 파이트 아웃 - M2E 메카니즘을 사용하는 최첨단 피트니스 코인 파이트 아웃 (Fight Out)은 독특한 무브투언(move-to-earn) 프로젝트로 사용자가 운동 과제를 완수하면 토큰 보상을 지급한다. 그리고 이 메카니즘 하나만으로 올해 최고의 유망 코인 순위에 올랐다. 파이트 아웃은 무브투언 토큰을 개발해 사람들이 건강한 생활습관을 실천하고 피트니스 메타버스에서 활동할 수 있도록 지원한다. 플랫폼을 사용하기 위해서는 우선 파이트 아웃 앱을 다운로드 받아 계정을 생성해야 한다. 계정을 생성하면 파이트 아웃 메타버스에서 정체성을 형성하는 무료 아바타가 부여된다. 사용자가 현실 세계에서 다양한 운동 목표를 달성하면 메타버스의 디지털 아바타 역시 함께 성장한다. 보상으로 받은 토큰은 아이템 구매, 리그 참여, 전문 코치와의 개인 레슨 등 여러 용도로 사용할 수 있다. 보상으로 지급되는 토큰은 인앱 통화인 REPS이다. 네트워크의 네이티브 토큰 FGHT도 REPS로 교환할 수 있으며 REPS로 아바타를 꾸미는 다양한 NFT 자산을 구매할 수 있다. REPS는 또한 오프라인 파이트 아웃 체육관을 사용할 수 있는 회원권의 성격도 가진다. 프로젝트는 유명 격투기 파이터를 앰배서더로 영입해 프로젝트를 홍보하고 있으며 UFC, MMA 등에 출전하는 선수와 함께 메타버스 속에서 트레이닝할 기회도 주어진다. $FGHT 사전판매의 누적 투자금은 556만 달러를 돌파했으며 아직 거래소 상장 가격에 비해 저렴한 가격에 토큰을 구매할 수 있다. 사전 판매는 3월 31일 종료될 예정이기 때문에 관심 있는 투자자라면 서둘러야 할 수 있다. 3. C+Charge – 친환경 분야 최고의 유망코인 C+Charge 는 친환경 가상화폐에 투자하고 싶은 트레이더에게 2023년 최고의 추천 코인이다. 현재 C+Charge는 네이티브 토큰 CCHG의 사전 판매를 진행하고 있으며 사전 판매 7단계에서 토큰을 $0.02에 판매하고 있다. 5일 후에는 마지막 8단계에 진입하기 때문에 지금이 조금이라도 더 많은 토큰을 확보할 수 있는 절호의 기회이다. CCHG는 C+Charge 생태계를 뒷받침하는 토큰으로 전체 토큰 공급량이 10억 토큰이며 이 중에서 40%가 사전 판매에서 판매된다. 8%의 토큰은 거래소 상장 시 유동성 공급을 위해 배분되었다. C+Charge 생태계의 중심에는 C+Charge 앱이 있으며 앱은 전기차 운전자에게 다양한 혜택을 제공한다. 핵심 기능을 살펴보면: 인근 충전소 위치 탐색 - 앱은 전기차 운전자가 즉시 인근에 위치한 충전소의 위치를 탐색할 수 있도록 도와 미리 여정을 계획할 수 있도록 돕는다. 충전 요금 정보 - 전기차 운전자들은 여전히 충전소에 도착해서야 충전 요금 정보를 알게 된다. 하지만 C+Charge 앱을 사용하면 충전소에 도착하기도 전에 투명하게 요금을 확인하고 비교할 수 있다. 결제 시스템 - C+Charge에는 P2P 결제 시스템이 장착되어 있어 어디서든 쉽고 간편하게 CCHG 토큰을 사용해 충전 요금을 지불할 수 있다. 탄소 배출권 NFT - 사용자는 제휴 충전소에서 CCHG 토큰으로 차량을 충전할 수 있다. 이때 충전에 대한 보상으로 탄소 배출권 NFT를 획득할 수 있다. 프로젝트의 누적 투자금은 300만 달러에 근접하며 3월 31일에 사전 판매가 종료되어 저렴하게 토큰을 구매할 수 있는 날이 얼마 남지 않았다. C+Charge는 올해 최고의 지속가능한 친환경 코인으로 더 자세한 정보는 텔레그램 그룹 이나 백서 에서 확인할 수 있다. 4. 이더리움 - 디앱(dApp) 개발을 위한 가장 유명한 블록체인 이러디움(Ethereum)은 디파이(DeFi) 시장에서 가장 진화한 수익성 높은 코인 중 하나로 가상화폐를 한 번이라도 거래해 본 사람이라면 이름을 들어보았을 것이다. 이더리움은 러시아-캐나다인 프로그래머 비탈릭 부테린(Vitalik Buterin)이 창립했으며 시가 총액이 3,595억 달러로 전 세계 가상화폐 중 2위를 자랑한다. 이더리움은 탈중앙화 애플리케이션(디앱)을 개발하는 데 사용할 수 있는 블록체인 플랫폼으로 다른 수많은 가상화폐 프로젝트의 바탕이 된다. 이더리움은 스마트 계약을 사용한 최초의 플랫폼이다. 스마트 계약은 거래의 일정 조건을 만족시키면 당사자 간에 자동적으로 거래가 체결되는 자동 계약 프로토콜이다. 이더리움은 초기에 작업증명(PoW) 합의 알고리즘으로 배포되었지만 이제 보다 친환경적인 지분증명(PoW) 메카니즘으로 전환하는 과정에 있다. 이더(Ether)는 이더리움 블록체인의 네이티브 가상화폐로 티커 ETH를 사용하며 현재 $1,700 부근에서 거래되고 있다. 세계에서 가장 인기 있는 가상화폐 중 하나인 이더리움은 전 세계 대부분의 가상화폐 거래소와 브로커리지에서 지원한다. 토큰 보유자는 ETH 토큰을 스테이킹하여 네트워크 안전성을 도모하고 보상을 획득할 수 있다. 이더리움은 비트코인이 아닌 가상화폐 중 가장 투자 가치 높은 것으로 평가되며, 최고의 알트코인으로도 불린다. 5. 스시스왑 - 가상화폐 트레이딩을 위한 AMM 기반 탈중앙화 거래소 탈중앙화 앱의 개발과 함께 탈중앙화 코인 거래소(DEX)도 함께 등장하고 있다. DEX는 전통 거래소와 비슷하게 가상화폐의 구매 및 판매를 지원한다. 스시스왑(Sushiswap)은 이더리움 블록체인에서 개발된 탈중앙 코인 거래소 중 하나로, 다른 많은 DEX와 마찬가지로 집합적 유동성 풀을 사용한다. 제3자가 거래를 관리하는 전통 거래소와 달리, 스시스왑에서는 자산이 스마트 계약에 잠겨 있다. 토큰 보유자는 가상화폐를 ‘유동성 풀’에 제공하고 구매자가 토큰을 구매하게 된다. 이러한 메카니즘은 자동화된 마켓 메이커(AMM)라 불리며 중앙 거버넌스 주체 없이 모든 절차가 코드를 통해 처리된다. 스시스왑의 네이티브 토큰 SUSHI는 거버넌스 토큰이다. 즉 SUSHI 토큰을 보유한 사람은 누구나 프로젝트의 운영과 관련하여 개선사항을 제안할 수 있으며 다른 사람의 제안에 대해 투표하는 것도 가능하다. SUSHI는 $1 이하의 가격으로 시장에 데뷔하였다. 일 년도 안 되어 SUSHI 가격은 극적으로 상승하며 2021년 3월 13일 사상 최고가 $22까지 도달한다. 이후 SUSHI 가격은 지속적으로 감소하였으며 창립자 중 한 명의 대량 매도도 영향을 미친 것으로 알려졌다. 현재 SUSHI는 저평가된 상태로 많은 트레이더가 SUSHI를 최고의 수익률을 제공할 추천코인으로 지목하고 있다. 6. 컴파운드 - 가상화폐를 대출할 수 있는 탈중앙화 유동성 풀 컴파운드(Compound, COMP)는 기업가 로버트 레쉬너(Robert Leshner)와 제프리 헤이즈(Geoffrey Hayes)가 창립한 이더리움 기반 가상화폐 프로젝트이다. 프로젝트는 전통 금융 시장을 조성해 사용자가 자금을 대출하고 그에 대해 보상을 받을 수 있도록 지원한다. 반대로 대출자는 시장에서 대출을 받고 금리를 지불하면 된다. 현재 플랫폼은 10개 이상의 가상화폐를 지원하며 이더리움(Ethereum), 다이(DAI), 테더(USDt), USD코인(USDC), 랩트비트코인(Wrapped Bitcoin) 등이 포함된다. 컴파운드는 2017년 스타트업으로 시작하여 2018년에 안드레센 호로위츠(Andreessen Horowitz), 베인 캐피털 벤처스(Bain Capital Ventures) 등의 유명 기업으로부터 820만 달러를 투자 받았다. 이어서 2019년에는 코인베이스(Coinbase), 패러다임 캐피털(Paradigm Capital) 등으로부터 2,500만 달러 가까이 조달했다. 컴파운드는 여러 가상화폐의 대출 기능을 지원하는 것 외에도 자체 토큰 COMP가 존재해 플랫폼 사용자가 컴파운드 네트워크와 상호작용할 때 토큰을 지급한다. COMP 토큰의 최대 공급량은 1,000만 토큰으로 이미 67%가 유통되고 있다. 컴파운드의 시가 총액은 8억 3,600만 달러 이상으로 세계 100대 가상화폐 순위 안에 든다. 7. 비트코인 - 시가총액 1위, 세계 최대 가상화폐 비트코인(Bitcoin)은 세계 최초의 가상화폐로 2009년 사토시 나카모토(Satoshi Nakamoto)라는 별명으로 활동한 개인 혹은 그룹에 의해 창립되었다. 시간이 지남에 따라 비트코인은 큰 인기를 누렸으며 이 과정에서 시가 총액 기준 세계 최대 가상화폐로 성장했다. 비트코인의 성장 이유에는 2,100만 BTC로 제한된 토큰 공급량도 원인으로, 이미 1,900만 토큰 이상이 유통되고 있다. 비트코인은 탈중앙화 결제 시스템을 구축해 전 세계 누구나 익명성을 유지하며 원하는 곳으로 트랜잭션할 수 있도록 지원하는 것을 목표로 한다. 비트코인은 작업증명(PoW) 프로토콜 기반의 블록체인 기술을 사용한다. 비트코인 채굴자가 되기 위해서는 정교한 하드웨어가 필요하며 새로운 블록을 생성하기 위해서는 방대한 양의 전기 에너지가 필요하다. 비트코인 추천 이유 하나는 프로젝트가 산업에서 가장 저명한 코인이기 때문이다. 이미 몇몇 대기업은 BTC 결제를 지원하며 비트코인으로 상품 혹은 서비스를 구매할 수 있다. 다음 이유는 비트코인의 낮은 공급량으로, 향후 비트코인 수요가 증가할 때 가격에 긍정적 영향을 미칠 주요 원인이 된다. 1 BTC를 구매하기에는 자금이 부족하더라도, 일부 조각만 구매할 수 있어 적은 자본금을 투자하는 것도 가능하다. 많은 전문가는 비트코인을 포트폴리오에 견고함을 더해줄 최고의 가상화폐로 평가한다. 수많은 알트코인이 0을 향해 가는 와중에도 비트코인은 언제나 신고점을 경신했다. 8. 유니스왑 - 시가 총액 기준 세계 최대 탈중앙화 코인 거래소(DEX) 유니스왑은 유동성 풀을 통해 탈중앙화 거래소(DEX)를 구축하는 또 하나의 이더리움 기반 프로젝트이다. 유니스왑 플랫폼에는 두 가지 회원군 유동성 공급자(liquidity provider)와 트레이더가 존재한다. 첫 번째 회원군은 자산을 스마트 계약에 잠그며 두 번째 회원군인 트레이더는 이 자산을 구매하고 판매할 수 있다. 매도자와 매수자는 유니스왑에서 거래를 처리하는 대가로 거래 수수료를 지급하며, 이 수수료는 나중에 유동성 공급자에게 UNI 토큰을 지급하는 데 사용된다. 이러한 방법을 통해 전체 과정을 통제하는 제3자 없이도 플랫폼을 운영할 수 있다. 가상화폐 산업에는 여러 DEX 프로젝트가 존재하지만, 유니스왑은 그 중에서도 압도적 관심을 받으며 시가 총액 기준 세계 최대 규모의 탈중앙화 암호화폐 거래소로 성장했다. 유니스왑은 자동 유동성을 제공하기 위해 구축된 최초의 DEX 중 하나이다. 프로젝트는 2018년 헤이든 아담스(Hayden Adams)가 창업했다. 2020년에 플랫폼은 2020년 9월 이전에 한 번이라도 플랫폼에서 거래한 적이 있는 회원에게 400 토큰을 에어드랍했다. 유니스왑 토큰은 거래 수수료 지불 및 유동성 공급자 보상 제공 외에도 거버넌스 토큰으로 역할을 수행해 프로젝트의 중요 안건에 대해 투표할 권리를 나타낸다. 9. 샌드박스 - 최고의 메타버스 크립토 및 NFT 게이밍 플랫폼 샌드박스는 가장 유명한 메타버스 프로젝트 중 하나로, 사용자는 플랫폼에서 NFT 형태의 아바타를 제작하고, 개발하며 샌드박스 마켓플레이스에서 판매해 보상을 획득할 수 있다. 플랫폼은 높은 기능성을 제공해 사용자가 단순히 아바타를 소유할 뿐 아니라 무기, 의류, 악세사리 등을 구매해 장착할 수 있다. 사용자는 또한 플랫폼에서 LAND라고 하는 필지를 소유할 수 있다. LAND는 다양한 아이템으로 업그레이드 가능하며, 토지에서 이벤트를 주최하고 입장료를 받는다거나 다른 사용자에게 임대하여 수익을 창출할 수 있다. 샌드박스 프로젝트는 전체 네트워크를 가동하기 위해 유틸리티 토큰이자 거버넌스 토큰인 SAND을 개발했다. SAND는 거래 수수료, 보상 지급, 스테이킹, 안건 투표 등 다양한 용도로 사용된다. SAND의 시가 총액은 9억 달러에 달하며 시가 총액 기준 전 세계 가상화폐 50위 안에 든다. 10. 메이커 - 스마트 계약 기반 디파이 대출 플랫폼 메이커(Maker) 프로젝트는 초창기 디파이 프로젝트 중 하나로 2015년에 덴마크 창업자 룬 크리스텐슨(Rune Christensen)이 창업했다. 프로젝트는 메이커다오(Maker DAO)와 메이커 프로토콜로 구성된다. 메이커 다오는 메이커 프로토콜을 운영하기 위한 탈중앙화 조직이며 메이커 프로토콜은 사람들이 DAI 코인을 발행할 수 있도록 지원한다. DAI는 USD 페깅 스테이블코인으로 다시 말해 시장 여건에 상관없이 코인 가치가 미국 달러와 동일하게 유지된다. 메이커다오는 거버넌스 토큰 MKR 가상화폐로 구동되며 토큰을 보유한 사람은 누구나 메이커다오 생태계의 소유권을 일부 가진다. 즉 MKR 보유자는 프로젝트의 개발에 참여하고 관련 제안에 투표할 수 있다. MKR 코인은 현재 $716에 거래되고 있으며 시가 총액은 7억 달러에 달한다. 가상화폐의 최대 공급량은 100만 5,577 MRK 코인이며 이미 97%가 유통되고 있다. 11. 폴리곤 - 디파이 업계에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 가상화폐 폴리곤(Polygon) 프로젝트는 전 세계적으로 유명한 가상화폐로 지난 2년 동안 기록적 상승률을 보여준 코인이다. 하지만 폴리곤이 투자 추천 코인 순위에 오른 이유는 프로젝트의 성장 잠재력 때문이다. 폴리곤 프로젝트는 가장 성장 가능성이 높은 유망한 가상화폐 중 하나로 가상화폐 커뮤니티에 회자되며 거대한 지지 커뮤니티를 보유한다. 폴리곤은 2017년에 매틱 네트워크(Matic Network)로 처음 출시되었다. 얀티 카나니(Jaynti Kanani), 샌딥 네일왈(Sandeep Nailwal), 아누라그 아르준(Anurag Arjun)는 블록체인 업계에서 쌓은 상당한 경력을 바탕으로 폴리곤을 창립해 인도에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 가상화폐 프로젝트로 성장시켰다. 폴리곤은 최고의 이더리움 확장 및 인프라 개발 이니셔티브가 되는 것을 목표로 한다. 폴리곤의 핵심 구성 요소인 폴리곤 SDK는 유연한 모듈러 프레임워크로 다양한 유형의 애플리케이션을 쉽게 개발할 수 있도록 돕는다. 개발자는 폴리곤을 사용해 옵티미스틱 롤업 체인, ZK 롤업체인, 스탠드- 얼론 체인 등 필요로 하는 모든 종류의 인프라를 개발할 수 있다. 폴리곤은 이더리움을 완전한 멀티 체인 시스템(이른바, 블록체인의 인터넷)으로 변환한다. 폴리곤의 네이티브 토큰 MATIC은 시가 총액 기준 전 세계 10위 안에 들며 2021년 불장에서 최고의 상승률을 자랑한 알트코인 중 하나였다. 투자자들은 다시 상승장이 오면 이러한 흐름이 반복될 것이라 생각하고 크립토 윈터 와중에도 대량으로 MATIC을 매집하고 있다. 폴리곤은 IOU를 거쳤다. IOU 후에 메인넷 출시가 이루어진 코인은 알레오 코인을 포함해 다양하다. IOU는 I Owe You의 약어로 코인의 일정량을 아직 시장에 풀리기 전에 먼저 사고 파는 것을 뜻한다. 폴리곤 외에도 알레오 코인 상장을 비롯해 많은 사람들이 IOU를 거친 코인의 전망을 기대하고 있다. 마치며 가상화폐가 우리 곁에 다가온지 아직 20년도 안 되었으며 따라서 완전히 신뢰할 수 있을 정도로 정립되었다고 할 수 없다. 가상화폐 시장은 높은 변동성을 특징으로 하며 투자금 손실이 발생할 위험성도 크다. 높은 위험성이 수반되는 만큼 가상화폐에 합리적으로 투자할 수 있다면 높은 수익률 또한 기대할 수 있다. 가상화폐에 투자해도 되는 시기인지 분석할 때에는 거시 경제, 정치적 상황 등 다양한 요인을 고려해야 한다. 거래 수준을 높여 투자 성공률을 극대화하기 위해서는 철저한 펀더멘탈 조사 및 시장 분석이 뒷받침되어야 한다. 본 가이드는 2023년 투자하기 좋은 코인추천 순위를 알아보았으며 이제 이 중에서 선호하는 암호화폐 골라 투자하면 된다. 집필진의 추천 코인 1위는 러브 헤이트 이누 이다. LHINU는 독특한 보트투언 토큰으로 올해 성장 잠재력이 매우 높으며 과소평가해서는 안 될 유망코인이다. Contact Details Finance News Alex Brown

March 19, 2023 10:51 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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CSGOLuck Promo Code: Enter "CSGOR1" Now For 100 Free Coins!

Esports Divison

Before you join CSGOLuck, make sure you are using our exclusive promo code "CSGOR1" because otherwise, you'll miss out on claiming FREE credits for playing your favorite games. Let's show you how to enter the promo code "CSGOR1" to obtain your exclusive welcome bonus! How to Enter the CSGOLuck Promo Code "CSGOR1" If you’re ready to take advantage of this promotion, then here’s how you can claim it now: Go to Sign up via Steam Click on "Rewards" Enter the Promo Code "CSGOR1" Obtain your welcome bonus! Don’t forget to enter the promo code " CSGOR1 " otherwise, you will miss out on getting an exclusive bonus that’s only available for the users that enter our special promo code. And we recommend you to take action because we don't know how long the promo code will be valid for. So you better take action now to claim your free bonus! Find more information on on the CSGOLuck codes & promotions. What is the CSGOLuck Promo Code? The CSGOLuck promo code is a special code that you can enter to claim a special bonus. In this case, we are talking about the promo code " CSGOR1", which is an exclusive key to unlock a special bonus of free credits. In summary, it’s the key to getting a free bonus. You can use the credits of the promotion as you wish, on the different games available at CSGOLuck such as Crash, Mines, Slots, Case Battles, Roulette, Coinflip and Towers, just to name a few. All the winnings you generate with the promo code can be cashed out using any of the available payment methods. RELATED: CSGORoll Promo Code "CR100" What Other Promotions Can You Claim at CSGOLuck? By entering the promo code CSGOR1, you will open the doors to a series of wonderful bonuses and promotions. Here you have a sample of all the free benefits you will be able to claim: Daily Cases: You can claim daily free CS:GO cases at CSGOLuck, to stock up your inventory and increase your bankroll for more and bigger bets Supercharge Cases: If you reach the deposit goal of the day, then you will obtain a supercharge case that can bring you precious and highly valuable CS:GO cases and skins in exchange Reload Bonus: CSGOLuck values loyal players, and hence, you can obtain a reload bonus for each time you make a deposit on the platform. The more you deposit and play at CSGOLuck, the better the reload bonuses will be Giveaways: CSGOLuck also likes to host giveaways where you can obtain a bunch of free stuff - be it cases, skins, or credits - there will always be something of value for you. 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Furthermore, in case you’re worried about the platform, it’s important to know the following: It has a Curacao Gambling License It has a clean record since 2021 It’s supported by hundreds of positive reviews and ratings It’s regulated. As you can see, the platform, as well as its promotions, bonuses and games, are 100% legit, transparent and trustworthy. You can join it now and use the promo code without worries. F.A.Q If you want to clear any additional doubt, then here you have the answers to the most frequently asked questions about this special promotion. Can you claim the CSGOLuck promo code for free? Yes, all you need to do is to enter the promo code CSGOR1 and you will automatically obtain the promised bonus. You don’t have to make a first deposit to claim it - just enter the code and the platform will take care of the rest. The best part is that you can use the free credits to make real money. Can you make money with the CSGOLuck promo code? Yes, you can use the free credits from the CSGOLuck promo code CSGOR1 to make real money by playing any of the games on the platform such as Crash, Roulette, Mines, Case Battles, Slots, etc. If you generate real winnings with the credits of the promo code, then you will be able to cash out them using any of the available payment methods. In the case of case opening, you can use your free credits for this to win valuable skins that you can sell for premium prices. Is it legal to use the CSGOLuck promo code? Yes, as long as your jurisdiction allows online gambling, or more precisely skins gambling, then it’s perfectly legal to enter the promo code CSGOR1 at CSGOLuck to claim the welcome bonus. If you feel unsure about this, then we invite you to check your local regulations and laws concerning online and skins gambling. Contact Details Gabriel Hall Company Website

March 18, 2023 11:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release

UFC 286: Leon Edwards vs Kamaru Usman 3 Odds & Betting Predictions

Acroud Media

Leon Edwards will seek to defend his UFC Welterweight title this Saturday night when he takes on Kamaru Usman in a rubber match headlining UFC 286 at the O2 Arena in London. It is the third professional meeting between the pair inside a UFC octagon, with Usman winning the first bout via unanimous decision in December 2015. Their second meeting in August of last year was heading towards a similar outcome before Edwards delivered a sensational fifth-round knockout that earned him the Performance of the Night award. For Edwards, 31, this will be his first defence of the UFC Welterweight Championship after Usman had previously successfully defended his belt five times, including two wins over Jorge Masvidal. There are a variety of UFC bookmakers that have some of the best betting offers around that can be used on this fight. We have listed the best UFC betting sites below. UFC Betting Sites William Hill Betfred bet365 BetVictor Unibet LiveScore Bet Betway 888 Sport Grosvenor 18+ Gambling Can Be Addictive. Please Play Responsibly. BeGambleAware GamStop Gambling Commission Where to bet on Edwards vs Usman 3 There are plenty of UFC betting sites in the UK that will provide a wide range of markets on Leon Edwards vs Kamaru Usman III on Saturday night. These feature competitive UFC odds and a number of betting offers that can be claimed and used on this fight. Below, we have picked out the best betting sites for you to use to bet on UFC 286 this weekend. William Hill William Hill are one of the top dogs when it comes to UK sports betting and have one of the best online betting platforms that we have seen. All new customers with William Hill can claim their bet 10 get 30 welcome offer, which can be used on this upcoming fight between Edwards and Usman. Betfred Boasting a bet 10 get 40 welcome offer, Betfred have one of the best new customer deals in the UK. They also cover every major UFC fight over the course of the year on their platform and are renowned for their competitive UFC betting odds. bet365 Another giant in the UK sports betting scene, bet365 have consistently been a favourite amongst UK punters online for the past two decades. Their welcome offer is currently a bet 10 get 30 promotion ahead of UFC 286. BetVictor New customers that create an account with BetVictor ahead of UFC 286 can take advantage of their sports bet 10 get 30 welcome offer. UFC betting markets are aplenty at BetVictor and you can enjoy competitive odds on all major fights in the sport with this bookmaker. Unibet If you are looking for a new UFC betting site then why not consider Unibet? They are offering new customers a unique promotion in comparison to the others on this list. New players can get up to 40 money back as a free bet if their first bet with the bookmaker loses, as well as a 10 casino bonus. LiveScore Bet One of the newer faces to sports betting on the list, LiveScore Bet impress by having a wide range of sports for their players to bet on including the UFC. Sign up to LiveScore Bet today to claim their bet 10 get 20 welcome offer. Betway Betway are another bookmaker offering a slightly different new customer offer ahead of UFC 286. You can get a 30 matched bet if your first bet with the bookmaker loses, as well as 50 bonus spins to use on the Betway Casino. 888 Sport The welcome offer at 888 Sport is a strong bet 10 get 30 offer that also includes an additional 10 casino bonus to use on their platform. 888 Sport have a strong selection of markets for Edwards vs Usman 3 and be sure to check their site to see any enhanced odds offers ahead of the fight. Grosvenor Finally, we have Grosvenor, who have a welcome offer that is perfectly tailored for this particular event. New customers who sign up through our link will be able to get their hands on a double their odds on their first bet placed with Grosvenor, including on all Edwards vs Usman 3 markets. How to bet on Edwards vs Usman 3 If you are interested in UFC betting and want to place a bet on UFC 286, there are a variety of options at hand. Each of the listed UFC bookmakers above have fantastic new customer offers for new players to take advantage of, which can also be used on this upcoming fight between Edwards and Usman. To bet on the UFC Edwards vs Usman main event, be sure to follow each of these steps. Choose the UFC betting offer/s that you are interested in claiming and click the link Enter your personal details where required Enter any promo codes that may be noted in the T&Cs Make a first deposit using one of the accepted payment methods Place your bet and enjoy the fight! You May Also Be Interested In Edwards vs Usman 3 Betting Odds There are varying UFC betting odds available on this particular fight from each of the betting sites that we have mentioned above. Find the current Edwards vs Usman odds from each of these UK bookmakers below. All odds are correct at the time of writing. William Hill Leon Edwards - 19/10 Kamara Usman - 2/5 Betfred Leon Edwards - 2/1 Kamara Usman - 2/5 bet365 Leon Edwards - 2/1 Kamaru Usman - 2/5 BetVictor Leon Edwards - 2/1 Kamaru Usman - 2/5 Unibet Leon Edwards - 39/20 Kamaru Usman - 2/5 LiveScore Bet Leon Edwards - 21/10 Kamaru Usman - 2/5 Betway Leon Edwards - 7/4 Kamaru Usman - 4/9 888 Sport Leon Edwards - 39/20 Kamaru Usman - 2/5 Grosvenor Leon Edwards - 39/20 Kamaru Usman - 2/5 Leon Edwards Record Leon Edwards comes into this fight with a 20-3 professional record to this point of his career, including one no-contest against Belal Muhammad in 2021. In the UFC exclusively, Edwards is 12-2 (1) and is unbeaten since losing to his next opponent in their first meeting all the way back in December 2015 in Usman vs Edwards 1. “Rocky” has since gone on a 10-fight win streak — the Muhammad no contest withstanding — with wins against the likes of Donald Cerrone, Rafael dos Anjos and Nate Diaz before defeating Usman in Salt Lake City last year. Kamaru Usman Record Kamaru Usman has the slightly better record of the two, also having 20 wins to his name alongside two defeats. Highlights of his 20-2 career include wins over Tyrone Woodley, Colby Covington and Jorge Masvidal. His defeat to Edwards last August was his first since losing to Jose Caceres in CFA 11 all the way back in May 2013, bringing an end to a near 10-year unbeaten streak. Usman has stopped his opponents in three of his last five victories, but has to date been unable to KO Edwards in eight rounds shared together. Edwards vs Usman 3 FAQs When is Leon Edwards vs Kamaru Usman 3? Leon Edwards vs Kamaru Usman 3 is on Saturday, March 18th 2023. Where is Leon Edwards vs Kamaru Usman 3 being held? Leon Edwards vs Kamaru Usman 3 is taking place at the O2 Arena in London. What time is Leon Edwards vs Kamaru Usman 3 due to start? Leon Edwards vs Kamaru Usman is set to begin around 10:30 pm UK time, subject to the length of the undercard. Where can I watch Leon Edwards vs Kamaru Usman 3? Leon Edwards vs Kamaru Usman 3 will be shown live on BT Sport Box Office for £19.95. Who is the Betting Favourite in Leon Edwards vs Kamaru Usman 3? Kamaru Usman is the bookies’ favourite to win the fight, being priced at around 2/5. Contact Details Acroud Media

March 18, 2023 03:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release

UAT Group Subsidiary, Ossifix Orthopedics Begins Expansion

Umbra Applied Technologies Group, Inc.

McapMediaWire -- Umbra Applied Technologies Group, Inc. (OTC: UATG ) (UAT Group) announced today that its subsidiary, Ossifix Orthopedics has begun expanding beyond Texas starting with southern and north-eastern part of the United States. Over the past several weeks, the Company has onboarded five new account managers across eleven cities in Texas with expansion into the New England area currently underway. The Company has slated the second fiscal quarter of the year for expansion across four major metropolitan cities in Louisiana and across twenty-one major metropolitan cities in Florida. Ossifix CEO, Mark Estrada, stated: “We are currently in the process of expanding operations and onboarding distribution channels in select target regions. Additionally, in Q2 we will launch two unique foot and ankle product lines.” The Company projects more than one-hundred surgeries to be completed in Q2 alone with a 20% increase month over in growth. Results from initial surgeries have demonstrated early ambulation trend with many patients driving the next day. Results of the surgeries have dramatically increased interest in the Javelin pin which formed the basis for the Company’s decision to start expansion and led to the Company to begin increasing its salesforce. Constructed of select, high-density, allograft, cortical bone, the proprietary design of the Ossifix Orthopedics Javelin pin ensures rigid fixation without pin slip or pirouetting. Manufactured of 100% allograft bone, Ossifix implants are designed for small bone, extremities, and sports medicine markets, but have applications in the craniofacial, spine and oral surgery procedures. Resorbable implant technology is readily accepted and used in today’s market, both domestically and globally. Ossifixs’ unique manufacturing process and designs yield an engineered cortical bone implant that provides secure fixation and virtually eliminates any allergic or autoimmune reactions associated with metal or plastic/polymer implants. All Ossifix Orthopedics Pin, Screw and Plate Systems are single-use surgical kits with all necessary instruments for implantation and are based on decades of clinical experience and use in the operating room. Ossifix products are designed to be used in hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, and specialty clinics. Distribution is scheduled throughout North America, and globally in Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, as well as the Middle East and Africa. This global market is currently experiencing an estimated growth of 14% per year and is expected to reach $4.696 billion in sales this year. Umbra Applied Technologies Group Chief Executive Officer, Alex Umbra, commented, "The growth and interest that Ossifix has experienced is unprecedented. With the launch of their additional product suites coming later this year, Ossifix will be a disrupting force within a niche but significant market segment”. Ossifix Orthopedics will continue to meet with hospital systems, surgical centers and orthopedic surgeons across the U.S. with international sales slated to begin later this year. For more information about Ossifix Technologies go here: About Umbra Applied Technologies Group, Inc. The firm is located in Tampa Florida and focuses on advanced technologies across many disciplines. UAT Group is a holding company with interests in both public and private companies during the early stages of development as well as growth stages of companies with a synergistic business model to UAT Group subsidiaries. For more information, visit: Investor and Media Contact: NEITHER THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE COMMISSION NOR ITS REGULATION SERVICES PROVIDER ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OR ACCURACY OF THIS NEWS RELEASE. Forward-Looking Information This news release may include "forward-looking statements" including forecasts, estimates, expectations, and objectives for future operations including but not limited to its ability to conclude a business combination with a third party, sale of assets, return of capital or initial public offering and a secondary listing on the OTC as a result of aforementioned and its ability to fund the exploration of its assets through the raising of equity or debt capital or through funding by a joint venture partner that are subject to a number of assumptions, risks, and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of Umbra Applied Technologies Group including but not limited to capital markets and securities risks and continued development success on technology. There can be and are no actual or implied guarantees that any of the above activities will be completed or completed on terms acceptable to the Company and its shareholders or approved by any regulatory authority having jurisdiction. Such forward-looking information represents management's best judgment based on information currently available. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual future results may vary materially. Umbra Applied Technologies Group does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except as required by applicable law. Contact Details Umbra Applied Technologies Group, Inc.

March 17, 2023 08:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Cheltenham Festival 2023 Gold Cup Live Streaming

Acroud Media

The Cheltenham Gold Cup is one of the biggest horse races in the United Kingdom, being the crown jewel of an always exhilarating four days of the Cheltenham Festival. It is annually run on Day 4 of the Cheltenham Festival each year. There are plenty of Cheltenham Gold Cup betting offers available, which will be available from the best horse racing betting sites. Below, we will explain how to join one of these Cheltenham Festival live streaming bookmakers, as well as how to claim their welcome offers. Once you have completed this process, you will be free to live stream the 2023 Cheltenham Gold Cup. Best Cheltenham Gold Cup Live Streaming Betting Sites bet365 BetUK Betfair Paddy Power William Hill Betfred BetVictor LiveScore Bet Virgin Bet 18+ Gambling Can Be Addictive. Please Play Responsibly. BeGambleAware GamStop Gambling Commission Cheltenham Gold Cup Betting Offers As well as having the opportunity to live stream the 2023 Cheltenham Gold Cup with these betting sites, you can also claim Gold Cup betting offers with them. This includes the welcome offers that each of these horse racing betting sites have to offer, which in turn can then be used as Gold Cup free bets and as a Gold Cup betting offer. Find the best Gold Cup betting offers below. bet365 bet365 offers live streaming across all UK and Irish horse racing meets across the year when you have a funded account or have placed a bet within 24 hours of the event you are betting on. New customers can claim a bet 10 get 30 welcome offer when they sign up to bet365. BetUK The BetUK Cheltenham offer is one of the best ahead of this festival and can be used on the Gold Cup. You can get 60 in free bets from a 20 qualifying stake, as well as getting to watch the Cheltenham Gold Cup. Betfair New customers at Betfair can claim their bet 10 get 30 offer in time for the Cheltenham Gold Cup. You must must have a bet on the Gold Cup in order to live stream it with Betfair. Paddy Power At Paddy Power, new customers can get a 20 money back as cash if your first bet loses welcome offer, which is an impressive promotion. To watch the Gold Cup at Paddy Power you simply need to have a registered account with the bookmaker. William Hill William Hill also only require a registered account for their customers to access their Cheltenham Gold Cup live stream. By creating an account with William Hill you can also get their bet 10 get 30 new customer offer. Betfred Betfred requires registered customers to have a funded account to live stream the Cheltenham Gold Cup and all other UK and Irish horse racing meetings. In addition, you can claim their bet 10 get 40 offer and use it on your Gold Cup selections. BetVictor BetVictor also have a bet 10 get 40 offer for their new customers, which can be claimed through this link. They require you to either have a funded account or to have placed a bet within 24 hours of the Gold Cup for you to be able to live stream it on their website. LiveScore Bet New customers at LiveScore Bet can get their bet 10 get 20 promotion as a Gold Cup betting offer ahead of the big race on Friday. To access their Gold Cup live stream, you will need to have a funded account, unused free bet or live open bet. Virgin Bet Virgin Bet also requires you to have a funded account, unused free bet or a live open bet to live stream the 2023 Cheltenham Gold Cup on their platform. As well as this, Virgin Bet have 20 in Gold Cup free bets that can be claimed via their welcome offer when you place a 10 qualifying bet. You May Also Be Interested In How to Live Stream the 2023 Cheltenham Gold Cup If you want a 2023 Cheltenham Gold Cup live stream, you can do so by signing up to one of the Cheltenham live streaming sites that we have listed below. This is a quick process to complete and follow this step-by-step guide to get yourself signed up in time for the big race. Choose the site you want to join and click the link to get started Enter your personal details on the registration page Select a unique username and password to use as your login details Make a first deposit and follow the terms of your welcome offer Place a bet on the Cheltenham Gold Cup and watch the race! Cheltenham Gold Cup FAQs Where can I live stream the Cheltenham Gold Cup? You can live stream the Cheltenham Gold Cup from any one of the horse racing bookmakers listed above. When is the Cheltenham Gold Cup? The Cheltenham Gold Cup will be run on Friday, 17th March 2023. What time is the Cheltenham Gold Cup? The Cheltenham Gold Cup is due to start at 15:30 GMT. Contact Details Acroud Media

March 17, 2023 04:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Cheltenham Festival Gold Cup Free Bets and Betting Sites

Acroud Media

The Gold Cup is routinely the annual highlight of the week at the Cheltenham Festival, with Friday’s feature race being the standout event of the final day. Day 4 of the Cheltenham Festival is known as Gold Cup day and there is always huge interest in finding Gold Cup betting offers from horse racing bookmakers. Thankfully, we’re in luck — there are plenty of Cheltenham Gold Cup betting offers available ahead of the 2023 edition of the race. These can be claimed now as the Gold Cup betting hype continues to build. This year’s race is expected to be a competitive affair, with the bill topped by favourite Galopin Des Champs. Other contenders include Bravemansgame, Noble Yeats and A Plus Tard, who won the 2022 Gold Cup ridden by Rachael Blackmore for Henry De Bromhead. New customers can back their selection and claim Gold Cup free bets when they sign up to one of our listed Cheltenham Fesitval betting sites below. Best Cheltenham Gold Cup Betting Sites bet365 Betfred William Hill 888 Sport BetUK Paddy Power Mr.Play LiveScore Bet Betfair Betway Virgin Bet BetVictor Grosvenor 18+ Gambling Can Be Addictive. Please Play Responsibly. BeGambleAware GamStop Gambling Commission Best Gold Cup Betting Offers for Cheltenham Festival 2023 There are a wide range of Cheltenham bookie offers that are available ahead of the Gold Cup. We have listed the best Cheltenham Gold Cup offers below — just click through the link to access them and create an account with your chosen Cheltenham betting site. bet365 One of the best Cheltenham betting offers ahead of the Gold Cup comes from bet365, who are one of the top dogs when it comes to gambling in the UK and Ireland. New customers with bet365 can get 30 in Cheltenham free bets when they place a first bet worth 10. Betfred Betfred also boast one of the best Gold Cup betting offers for new customers to claim ahead of the big race. You can get 40 free bets by signing up to Betfred when you place a 10 qualifying bet, as well as having access to their vast array of horse racing offers throughout the year. William Hill William Hill are renowned for being one of the best Cheltenham gambling sites each year and they always have strong Cheltenham Gold Cup betting offers. Their welcome offer for this year’s Cheltenham Festival gives punters the opportunity to get 30 in free bets from a 10 bet, while mobile players can get 40 in free bets. 888 Sport Horse racing punters have become fond of 888 Sport thanks to their various horse racing offers, including best odds guaranteed and live streaming. At 888 Sport, you can get 30 in free bets as a new customer from just a first bet of 10 when you click the link and sign-up today. BetUK BetUK have gone all out with their Cheltenham free bet offer, with it being the biggest that you will see on this in terms of the site of the Cheltenham free bets on offer. This offer can be used in conjunction with Cheltenham Gold Cup betting and gives new customers 60 free bets from a 20 stake when joining through this link. Paddy Power Paddy Power regularly provide some of the best offers when it comes to horse racing and the same can be said for their Cheltenham Gold Cup 2023 betting offer. You can get their bet 10 get 30 offer by clicking through our Paddy Power link. Mr.Play All new customers at Mr.Play can get a 10 bet token when they sign up ahead of the 2023 Cheltenham Gold Cup. All you have to do to receive this bet token is to place a bet of the same value. LiveScore Bet The next brand to make it onto our Cheltenham betting sites list is LiveScore Bet. They have a range of Cheltenham offers live on their site over the course of the week, with their Cheltenham sign up offer being a bet 10 get 20 promotion for all new customers. Betfair Betfair have one of the best free bets for Cheltenham and the Gold Cup through this link. New customers at Betfair can get a bet 10 get 30 welcome offer when they create an account, as well as then having access to one of the best horse racing bookmakers in the UK. Betway Betway have a slightly different Cheltenham free bet offer than those listed above, with their new customer offer being a matched bet bonus. If your first bet with the bookmaker loses, you will be rewarded with a free bet of up to 30 worth the same stake, as well as 50 bonus spins to use. Virgin Bet At Virgin Bet, new customers can get Cheltenham Festival free bets to use on the Gold Cup. By creating an account with Virgin Bet today, you can get 20 in free bets after placing a first bet worth 10. BetVictor BetVictor Gold Cup betting markets tend to be extremely valuable, particularly at the time when the bookmaker sponsored the race itself. Their Gold Cup betting offer is currently a valuable bet 10 get 40 promotion. Grosvenor The final Gold Cup betting offer on the list comes from Grosvenor, who are offering double the odds on any bet on any sport as their new customer offer. This can, as a result, be used directly on the Gold Cup and you can get double odds on the horse you are backing in the race. You May Also Be Interested In: Cheltenham Gold Cup Betting Offers Not all Cheltenham bookies offers are created equal and the same can be said of the Gold Cup. There are a variety of different Cheltenham Festival free bets and betting offers that you will find surrounding the Gold Cup, but i’s important that you know exactly what they mean. Below, we have listed some of the different promotions that you can expect to find around the Gold Cup and what they exactly are. New Customer Offer The premise of a new customer offer is pretty self-explanatory — horse racing betting sites will offer new customers the chance to claim a welcome offer in exchange for creating an account with them. These are often the most valuable offers that you will find and are often enhanced as Cheltenham betting offers. Existing Customer Offer These types of offers are available once you have already created an account with a bookmaker. Existing customer offers help to retain engagement with a bookmaker and expect to see plenty of the best Cheltenham offers as an existing customer at the time of the Gold Cup. Free Bets Free bets are extremely popular amongst punters and can be attained through a variety of methods. Each of the two aforementioned offers regularly feature free bets, while bookmaker loyalty clubs regularly reward players enrolled in them with free bets. Cheltenham free bets are well sought after over the course of the four days of the Festival. Non-Runner No Bet Cheltenham non-runner no bet offers give punters extra security on their selections over the week at Cheltenham Festival. This offer ensures that you will be given a cash refund if your selected horse does not run in a race. Best Odds Guaranteed Best odds guaranteed is now given by the majority of online betting sites. This promotion will be a common Cheltenham offer seen and means that if your backed horse goes off at a better price than the time you placed your bet, you will be paid out for the best price. Enhanced Odds Also known as an odds boost, enhanced odds give you bigger odds on your selections at the Cheltenham Festival. Enhanced odds tend to be some of the best Cheltenham betting offers as they give bigger odds on low-price favourites at the festival. Expect to see plenty of enhanced odds Cheltenham offers around the Gold Cup and the main contenders. 2023 Cheltenham Gold Cup FAQs When is the Cheltenham Gold Cup? The Cheltenham Gold Cup will take place on Friday, 17th March 2023. Who won last year’s Cheltenham Gold Cup? Last year’s Cheltenham Gold Cup was won by A Plus Tard. What time is the Cheltenham Gold Cup? The Cheltenham Gold Cup will be run at 15:30 GMT and is the feature race of Day 4 of the Cheltenham Festival. How many runners will there be in the 2023 Cheltneham Gold Cup? There have been 13 declared runners for this year’s Cheltenham Gold Cup. How long is the Cheltenham Gold Cup? The Cheltenham Gold Cup is run over a distance of 3 miles and 2 furlongs. Contact Details Acroud Media

March 17, 2023 04:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Cheltenham Day 4 Free Bets and Betting Sites: Gold Cup Day

Acroud Media

The first Gold Cup race took place more than 200 years ago. It was run on a flat course over 3 miles on Cleeve Hill, near the current Cheltenham Racecourse. Over the years, the race has undergone many changes and has become part of the larger Cheltenham Festival. But it’s still considered one of the most prestigious National Hunt races attracting huge attention from punters. Today the featured race of Day 4 at Cheltenham is the Gold Cup and the culmination of the entire festival. If you’re looking for the Best Cheltenham Bookmaker Offers for Day 4 Gold Cup, you’ve come to the right place. Below we will look at the top New Bookmakers for Day 4 Gold Cup and highlight all the best Cheltenham Festival Betting Sites for Day 4 Gold Cup Free Bets. But before we start, let’s address a common question. Cheltenham Festival Day 4 Betting Offers Bet365 Betfred William Hill 888 Sport Mr Play Grosvenor Virginbet Livescore Bet Betway BetVictor Betfair Paddy Power BetUK 18+ Gambling Can Be Addictive. Please Play Responsibly. BeGambleAware GamStop Gambling Commission The Top Cheltenham Festival Betting Sites for Day 4 Gold Cup Day The opening of the 2023 Cheltenham Festival is right around the corner, and interest is reaching a fever pitch. Both novices and hard-bitten racetrack veterans are in search of the best Cheltenham Festival Betting Sites for Day 4 Gold Cup so that they can earn some house money to spend on the big race. Here are those best betting sites and their Cheltenham Free Bet Offers. bet365 Cheltenham Day 4 Offer This bookmaker built a reputation for taking care of their existing customers with constant promos and bonuses that never seem to stop. For Cheltenham, they reach out to potential new customers with a Free Bet promotion that’s hard to beat. Just sign up for a new account, deposit 10, and follow that with an initial bet of 10, and bet365 will credit your account with 30 Free Bet credits. Betfred Cheltenham Day 4 Offer In honour of the Cheltenham Festival, Betfred has increased its standard sign-up bonus. They offer a brilliant new customer offer of 40 free bet credits when 10 is staked on any qualifying bet. All deposits must be made on a debit card, and bets must be placed within 7 days of registering. William Hill Cheltenham Day 4 Offer William Hill offers a variety of ways to enhance your Cheltenham experience, including Extra Places, Best Odds Guaranteed, price boosts and more. But it’s the Free Bet Offer that gets our attention. All you have to do to earn 30 in Free Bets for Cheltenham is open a new account and place a qualifying bet of at least 10 on any sports market. There’s no promo code involved, and the minimum deposit is a modest 10. 888 Sport Cheltenham Day 4 Offer This 888 sport Free Bet Offer is not the biggest on the market but is one of the easiest to qualify for. Just open a new account, deposit at least 10 and then place a bet of only 1, and you’ll be eligible for 30 in Free Bets to use on the Cheltenham Festival plus 10 to use in their casino. That’s a pretty amazing multiple of 40X. Just be aware that only your first bet will qualify, and that must be a “to win” bet with odds of at least 1.5. Mr Play Cheltenham Day 4 Offer A big player in the casino market, Mr Play also offers a fantastic sportsbook. This Cheltenham Festival, Mr Play have a great new customer welcome offer of bet 10 get 10 when registering for an account. Just make sure any bet credits are used within 14 days. Grosvenor Cheltenham Day 4 Offer Grosvenor has been streaming live UK and Irish horse racing for some time. Since they allow new clients to double their odds on their first wager after signing up, their welcome offer is perfectly suited to horse racing. Virgin Bet Cheltenham Day 4 Offer Virgin Bet is a relatively new name compared to other brands on this list, but it has created a sophisticated online betting site to complement its extensive range of services. A wager 10 receive 20 welcome offer is available to new Virgin Bet customers! Livescore Bet Cheltenham Day 4 Offer LiveScore Bet, another up-and-coming bookmaker that has created a name for itself in the UK, now allows users to watch every race at the Cheltenham Festival live. When you open an account with them now, you can also take advantage of a bet 10 receive 20 promotion. Betway Cheltenham Day 4 Offer One of the more original welcome offers from a UK betting site is the one for Betway. If your first wager is unsuccessful, they will match it with a free bet of 30 and give you 50 bonus spins to play on the Betway Casino software. BetVictor Cheltenham Day 4 Offer With one of the most user-friendly online betting platforms, BetVictor makes it simple to identify the races you're interested in betting on and live streaming. With a 10 qualifying bet, they have an appealing new customer offer worth 40 in free bets. Betfair Cheltenham Day 4 Offer Betfair typically offers competitive prices daily on horse racing, and they don’t disappoint when it comes to big events like Cheltenham. This year they have a “Grow Your Roar” promo that commences 2 weeks before the festival opens and makes it possible to earn up to 30 in Free Bets that you can hold and use on Day 4. Paddy Power Cheltenham Day 4 Offer Paddy Power is one of the best sites for horse racing fans. They regularly drop Free Bet offers and other horse racing-related promos to reward loyal customers. For Cheltenham, they manage to stand out from the crowd with their 20 refund offer for new customers. What’s so great about that? If you open a new account, place a qualifying bet, and it loses, they’ll refund you up to 20 in CASH - not Bet Credits, CASH - to use as you like. BetUK Cheltenham Day 4 Offer One of the best new betting sites in the UK is BetUK, and their new customer promotion in the run-up to Cheltenham has left a lasting impression. When new players place a 20 wager after signing up, they will give 60 in free bets! You may also be interested in the following: What Are Cheltenham Festival 2023 Free Bets for Day 4 Gold Cup? A Free Bet is a credit issued to an account holder by an online bookmaker to promote interaction with the site’s betting products. Free Bet promotions are often attached to major events like the Cheltenham Festival when interest in betting and traffic to online sportsbooks is high. Free Bets are not cash in that you do not have the option to liquidate them and take the equivalent amount of cash home with you. Instead, they simply allow you to place a bet worth X amount with the bookmaker without spending any of your money, provided certain conditions are met. In most cases, Free Bets are offered to potential new customers to entice them to join and start betting. How to Use Your Cheltenham Festival 2023 Free Bets For Day 4 Gold Cup People with little experience betting through an online bookmaker often get a bit confused about how to claim and use their Cheltenham Free Bets. It’s not as complicated as you might think, and once you get the hang of it, who knows? You might even sign up at several online sportsbooks to take advantage of multiple Cheltenham Free Bet Offers. But regardless of whether you open one account or three, here’s how you make use of Free Bet Offers for New Customers on Day 4 Gold Cup day: 1: Claiming your Free Bets Before using your Free Bets to cash in on the Gold Cup, you must sign up for a new account with one of the bookmakers listed above. Be aware of what type of deposit mechanism they want you to use and things like the minimum deposit amount, minimum odds and what type of sport you’re supposed to wager on (if they specify a sport, sometimes they don’t care). After you place and settle your qualifying bet, your account will be credited with the Free Bets, and you’re ready to rock. 2: Using your Free Bets Now that you’ve got 20, 40 or 60 (or more) of Free Bet Credits sitting in your account, you need to put them to use (remember they’ll have an expiration date, so you can’t just sit on them indefinitely). To make use of them add a selection to your betting slip. Once you do that, you should see the option of using your Free Bet. Tap it if you're comfortable using your Free Bet on this selection (look for Special Offers before you do). Double-check everything and then tap "Place Bet" or the equivalent. Once the bet is placed, that Free Bet will no longer appear in your account balance. 3: Collect winnings from your Free Bet If you place a bet using your Cheltenham Festival 2023 Free Bets on Day 4 Gold Cup day and you win, your account will be credited with your winnings as soon as the bet is settled by the bookmaker. You can then use those winnings to place another bet or bets or withdraw them to celebrate your big win with a couple of pints. Just remember the Free Bet stake you used to place the bet will not be returned. Special Offers for Your Free Bets for Cheltenham Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4 Above, we briefly mentioned you should look for Special Offers before using your Free Bets at Cheltenham. Here are some typical Special Offers online bookmakers will float during the festival. Best Odds Guaranteed In most cases, if you place a bet on a horse, and then the odds improve before post time, you're stuck getting paid out at the lower price if you win. But with Best Odds Guaranteed, you are assured of being paid out at the higher price. Not all bookmakers offer Best Odds Guaranteed during Cheltenham, and among the ones that do, not all offer BOG on all 28 races. So if this interests you, shop around until you find a bookmaker that does. Non-Runner No Bet (NRNB) Almost all online bookmakers will offer Non-Runner No Bet on most Cheltenham races. This type of special covers you if the horse you wagered on is a late scratch, doesn’t leave the gate or doesn’t complete the race. Instead of losing your stake, it is refunded as Free Bet Credits you can use on another race. Boosted Odds Bookmakers will often boost odds on a particular selection just as a way to say thank you to their customers. But these special offers tend to come and go quickly, so you’ll need to keep your eyes open. This type of offer is very straightforward, with no complex T&Cs attached. Acca Insurance Accumulator bets, or “accas”, are extremely popular during Cheltenham. Accas are a way to combine several picks into a single bet that will produce a good payout if it hits. The way Acca Insurance works is that if 1 leg of your multileg acca bet fails, your stake will usually be returned to you in the form of a Free Bet. We say “usually” because some bookmakers will return your lost stake in cash. Extra Places With a small field of horses, the bookmaker may only pay out on the winner and 2nd place. However, as fields get larger many sportsbooks start offering extra places. This is a great way for punters to enhance their odds of hitting pay dirt. The Cheltenham Gold Cup is a perfect example of a race that will likely generate extra places since, typically, 13 to 16 runners make it to the gate. Cheltenham 2023 is almost upon us. Sign up today with one of the above-listed bookmakers to ensure you don't miss out on any action. The Cheltenham Festival 2023 Day 4 Gold Cup promises to be a spectacle! Contact Details Acroud Media

March 17, 2023 03:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Best Pulsz Sister Casinos for 2023 - List of Sweepstake Alternatives

The rules for legal online casino gaming and gambling for real cash prizes are different in the US to most other countries - and they change from state to state. As such, in many states, if you do want to play slots and games for real cash prizes, then you may need to play at social casinos and sweepstakes casino sites like Pulsz casino and its sister casinos. These work in a very similar way to traditional online casinos but mean you can play within the laws and regulations of your state. Best Sites like Pulsz casino Wow Vegas: Register an account to claim 5,000 Wow Coins + 1 Sweeps Coins Fortune Coins: Sign up and claim 140,000 Gold Coins + 500 Fortune Coins Pulsz: Sign up and claim 5,000 Gold Coins Register and claim up to 1,000 virtual credits every day Gambino Slots: Sign up and claim 200 spins + 100,000 free Coins SweepSlots: Sign up and claim 10,000 Gold Coins + 1,000 Sweeps Coins Players claim a 5% Rakeback bonus Currently, as it stands, traditional real-money online casinos are still only legal in a small number of states despite the ever-growing presence of online sports betting in the US. It is hoped, however, that casino games will start to follow suit and become more widely available in the next few years. After all, this is the home of Las Vegas right? The most popular and exciting land-based gambling destination in the world attracts people from across the world. For now, though, you will need to stick to sweepstakes and social casinos! One of the best sweepstakes casino sites out there right now is Pulsz - and its sister casinos. On this page, we will not only take a look at Pulsz Casino, but we will also look at similar sites and sister sites so that you know all the best online sweepstakes casinos and slots options available to you. How Cash Prizes Work at Sweepstakes Casino Sites If you haven't ever used a sweepstakes casino before, then the chances are you won't quite understand exactly how the mechanism works. Although you can spend real money gaming, and win real cash prizes, it isn't as straightforward as betting money at a traditional online casino. To bypass the law, you can't actually bet to win cash prizes with the real money you have spent. Instead, you buy Gold Coins and earn free sweepstakes coins (it's important to note that you CANNOT purchase sweeps coins). Both of these are free currencies, but you can't redeem gold coins prizes for real cash prizes. However, you can redeem sweepstakes coins winnings for real cash prizes and that's exactly why you cannot purchase sweeps coins. The way it works across most sweepstakes and social casinos is very similar, although it can vary slightly. But here we will look at how it works at Pulsz Casino and its sister online gambling sites. If you’d like to clam free SC coins from Pulsz you’ll need to enter the Pulsz Free SC promo code on sign up. However, it's worth remembering that most sweeps casinos and social casinos don't offer sports betting (although there is a handful that do such as Sites like Pulsz casino are generally better for those who like to play casino games. When we look at Pulsz Casino and Pulsz sister sites, it's important to look at how they work. Free Casino Games at Pulsz Casino According to our research, Pulsz Casino is the owner of one of the biggest and best libraries of free games in the US. You can fund all types of games including slots as well as table games like roulette, blackjack and poker - all for free with sweeps coins and gold coins. Simply open the site up and you will be able to play casino games of all shapes and sizes - over 300 online slot games as well as some pretty cool casino table games. However, instead of betting real money and winning real money, like the more traditional online casino games, you can earn free sweeps coins (in a multitude of ways) and use these to play casino games. If you win enough sweeps coins then you can exchange them for real money prizes. Pulsz Casino also offers players round-the-clock customer support, has a very well-organised and easy-to-use interface and there aren't even any ads! Why Choose Pulsz Casino or Sites Like Pulsz? Sites like Pulsz Casino are very readily available now - although the quality and standards won't always live up to at Pulsz Casino. So, why would you bother playing anywhere other than Pulsz Casino? Well, the good thing about sweeps casinos is that you can play at as many as you want, so you can play at Pulsz as well as other alternatives to Pulsz Casino. You can check out our New Sweeps Cash Casinos page for more new sweepstake casinos to sign up to. Here are some of the main reasons to give them a go: As well as standard casino games, some sweepstakes casinos, such as BetRivers, even offer live dealer games. Some sweepstakes casinos, like Fortune Coins, offer multiplier games such as Fish Some sweepstakes casinos offer better strategy games You can enjoy an even more social experience by playing at several sweepstakes casinos You can sometimes find even bigger and better bonuses and promotions at alternative sites. You get even more time to play casino games for free. Pulsz Sister Casino Sites So, let's take a look at the real money online casino sweepstakes alternatives that work in a very similar way to Pulsz Casino... Maybe you have spent a lot of time at Pulsz Casino and you want to find something a little different for a change - or maybe you're on the hunt for more free coins - whatever it is you need, we'll get you sorted. Here are some of the most popular alternatives to Pulsz Casino LuckyLand Slots Chumba Casino Fortune Coins WOW Vegas Casino Gambino Slots LuckyLand Slots One of the most popular alternatives to Pulsz Casino is LuckyLand Slots, which is an awesome sweepstakes casino for slot players in the US. As soon as you open up the homepage, you will be able to watch a video that explains exactly how it works, which is perfect for beginners. This sweepstakes site is a completely legal online gaming platform and has been around since back in 2018. What's more, you can earn as many as 10 free sweeps coins simply for opening a new account. Even when you work through your free gold coins and sweeps coins, you can then buy a massive 50,000 Gold Coins for just $4.99 - and you'll get another 10 free sweeps coins thrown in as a bonus. We do have to admit that the number of games available at the site is more limited than at some others. There are around 40 slots as well as multiway win games and instant win games. On the plus size, if you do get enough sweeps coins wins, then you can redeem it for real money and withdraw it straight into your bank account. In terms of game variation, it isn't the greatest. There are no table games, poker games - and certainly no live dealer games. As you can imagine, there are no chances to bet on sports either - so don't expect to be able to place a bet on football or horse racing. However, if you're looking for generous bonuses and great slots games, this is certainly worth a visit! Chumba Casino Sweepstakes casinos and social casino sites don't get much bigger (or more popular) than Chumba Casino. Needless to say, it offers a great experience with more than 100 online casino games available, including slot games and table games. Chumba Casino claims to be the No.1 Social Casino experience in the US - and it's not far wrong, although maybe you will want to judge it for yourself. When you open up the game catalog, you can sort the games into different categories: slot games, jackpot slots, video poker games and even a few exclusive casino games. In fact, this is one of the casinos that works very similarly to Pulsz Casino. As soon as you register a new account and have your free gold coins and sweeps coins in your account, you can get playing. If you run out of free coins, you can simply buy more gold coins and get some free sweeps coins thrown in for good measure. However, if you're less online slots and more of a poker player, then Chumba Casino might not be the right Pulsz Casino alternative for you. It's also not for anyone looking for a live dealer lobby with real cash prizes. If we look at some of the main advantages of playing at Chumba Casino, we can't ignore the generous welcome bonus, which currently sits at a massive 2 million Gold Coins plus $2 worth of sweepstakes coins. Most sites aren't this generous to new players and, when taking everything into account, it really is one of the best free online casinos in the US. In terms of payment options, Chumba Casino prefers players to use PayPal, although it also offers the option of credit cards and debit cards. If you’re already signed up to Chumba and want somewhere new to play which is similar have a look at our Sites Like Chumba casino page. Fortune Coins Casino Another site that is very similar to Pulsz Casino is Fortune Coins Casino. Both of these are considered to be some of the best sweepstakes casinos in the country. It offers a very similar playing experience along with some very exceptional sweepstakes casino games where you can win real money prizes. In terms of usability, it's pretty great - on both desktop and mobile. The free games are well-organised and fun to play. This may not be the most experienced of social casinos out there, but it still knows how the industry works. You can enjoy an excellent selection of slots as well as other types of games. The only real difference you might notice is the fact that instead of sweeps coins, they offer Fortune Coins as well as Gold Coins. Essentially, these Fortune Coins work in the same way as sweeps coins and can be redeemed for real money prizes. Play Online Casino Games with Gold Coins and Sweeps Coins The main thing you have to understand when playing at a sweepstakes casino with sweeps coins and gold coins is how they are very different and what you can and can't do with these two, very different, virtual currency coins. Many people do confuse them at first, but they are very different Gold Coins are really what you can purchase with real money. This is a virtual currency that allows you to play online casino games for free - but you can't win real money. You can only win more gold coins that can be spent on the site. Meanwhile, sweepstakes coins can't be bought. You can only get these through bonuses and as gifts, but if you play with sweeps coins, you can win sweeps coins and when you win enough, these can be redeemed for real money prizes. So, of course, it's the sweeps coins you want right? Well, how can you get them? Mostly you get them through bonuses. When you look through our reviews of top social and sweepstakes casinos, you will see that practically all of them will offer a pretty hefty bonus to new players just for signing up. However, in addition, the sites also offer them through daily login bonuses, as regular promotions. You can also get free sweeps coins when you buy gold coins packages. You can then use these sweeps coins to play whatever games you like - online slots, video poker, progressive jackpot slots and all sorts. If you do win enough, you will then be able to redeem your sweepstakes coins for real money prizes. Remember, you cannot win sweeps coins if you play with gold coins. Redeeming Sweeps Coins for Cash Prizes People play sweepstakes games because they want the chance to win real money prizes. But how do you swap your sweepstakes games wins for actual money in your bank wins? Firstly, it's important to remember that you need to play with sweepstakes coins if you want to play for real money wins. When you do request a cash-out, you will then be asked for the banking information of your preferred withdrawal option - credit card number, bank information or even eWallet address. You will then be asked to verify your ID with specified documents and, after this is done, you should receive your winnings within 5 to 10 days. It's not the fastest of processes, but hey, it's money for nothing really right? It's worth being aware that many of Pulsz's sister casinos are owned and operated by the Maltese company VGW, which is highly respected and fully compliant. All of them are fully regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority which means you can enjoy a first-class experience. Best Online Casino Games for Sweeps Coins So, if you're ready to play games for fun, then maybe you should know a little bit about the types of games, you might find at social casinos such as Pulsz Casino and its sister casinos. Here are some of the best to look out for Online Slots When playing online casino games for free, normally the biggest selection of free casino games will be found in the slot game catalog. You will be able to play free casino games such as 3-reel classics, video slots, 3D slot games and even Megaways slot games. These can be found at all the best sweepstakes casinos, including Pulsz Casino, Chumba Casino, Fortune Coins and, of course, LuckyLand Slots. You can play these games for gold coins, sweeps coins or even as a free casino game at a social casino site. Some of the best free casino sites will offer hundreds of choices for you to try out. Table Games These aren't as widely available as slot games, but you will find them at some of the top sweepstakes casinos. Obviously, these aren't readily available at LuckyLand Slots but there are several great Pulsz Casino sister sites that offer all types of table games including blackjack, poker and roulette. Some even offer other types of games as well including keno and scratch games. Live Casino Games Although these are usually more available at real money casinos, some sweepstakes casinos do offer games such as live roulette and live blackjack. If this is what you're after, then you may want to skip over sites such as Luckyland Slots or Chumba Casino though. However, sites such as will offer live dealer games, so that's always well worth a look. Video Poker Finally, there is the hugely popular video poker game, which can be found at some of the top sweepstakes casino sites. Head over to sites such as Chumba Casino, Fortune coins and, of course, Pulsz Casino and you will see a range of games such as Bonus Poker and Jacks or Better. There are also some casinos totally dedicated to poker sweepstakes games, where you will be spoilt for choice. However, these are usually standard poker games and not video poker games. Why Play Games at Sweepstakes Sites? There are all sorts of reasons to play games at sweepstakes sites. Firstly, they allow you to play your favorite casino games without risking your money unlike crypto casinos that you can see here on GG Wins. However, there are a number of other benefits to playing at sweepstakes sites. Before you can start claiming your sweepstakes coins and gold coins, you will need to register for a new account, but this is a pretty quick and easy process. Then, as soon as you have entered all your information, you will have access to some of the best and most fun slots, casino games and even jackpot slots out there. If you've never been to or played at a social or sweepstakes casino before, then fear not. The very sweepstakes sites will offer an excellent customer service team. Simply contact one of the support agents and they'll be able to help you quickly. Many are even available 24/7, meaning they are on hand as and when you need them. Overall, playing free games at Pulsz sister casino sites is the perfect way to improve your gaming skills, whether it's spinning the slots or going head to head with the dealer or other players in games such as blackjack or poker. The idea of losing money playing casino games can be daunting, but playing at sites like Pulsz Casino and its sister casinos takes away all those concerns. Conclusion Obviously, getting to grips with an online sweepstakes site can be tricky if you’re unfamiliar with the idea of 2 different virtual currencies, but once you know what you’re doing, they can’t be beaten. Pulsz Casino and its sister sites offer players free play casino games where you can win real money completely legally. Until we live in a time where all states allow online casino gambling, many US players will need to make the most of Pulsz Casino and alternatives like it… and get used to sweepstakes coins and gold coins. You may be playing with different coins, but the gaming experience is very much the same. So, what are you waiting for? Check out Pulsz Casino or one of its sister casinos today and see what it's all about! FAQs Can I Legally Play Online Casino Games at Pulsz Casino? Yes, you can. Because Pulsz Casino is a sweepstakes casino, it means that they offer completely legal online casino games in all US states apart from Washington. You can enjoy some of the best games from top providers. What is the Welcome Bonus at Pulsz Casino? Currently, when you sign up for a new account at Pulsz Casino, you will be able to claim 5,000 gold coins + 2.3 sweepstakes coins. In addition, you will receive discounts and extra VIP points on your first Gold Coins purchase as well. Can I Win Real Cash Prizes at Sites like Pulsz? Yes, at sweeps online casinos such as Pulsz, you can redeem sweeps coins for real cash prizes once you have accumulated enough (which is 100 SC on Pulsz). Does Pulsz Casino Offer a Mobile App? Yes, but only if you're an Android user - in which case it offers one of the best free slot apps for sweeps online gambling. However, if you have an iOS mobile device, then you will need to open the site and play on mobile browser. What are the Benefits of Playing at Pulsz Casino Sister Sites? Sweepstakes sites and social casinos such as Pulsz and its sister sites allow you to play for free but win cash prizes. They offer a great selection of games and allow you to play slots and other table games completely legally Contact Details Josh Dingleberry

March 16, 2023 11:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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FINTECH.TV, the leading global news media platform focused on Digital and Impact investment content, including live reporting on the latest news and perspectives in finance, blockchain, technology, Crypto and NFT’s, today announced that Xen Sam’s show, A MoMent of Xen, currently airing on iHeartRadio and 710 WOR will now also air live weekly on FINTECH.TV on Wednesdays at 7pm EST. Hosted by Actress, Model, Mentor and Media Contributor Xen Sams, A MoMent of Xen, covers Entertainment, Fashion, Fintech, Cannabis, Cryptocurrency and Health from the Millennial Mom's perspective. Additionally, Xen will be a contributing host of “ FINTECH.TV Focus, ” conducting weekly exclusive interviews with high profile, trendsetting, opinion-making CEOs from the FINTECH.TV studios on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Each week, A MoMent of Xen will bring a mix of its signature Edutainment to FINTECH.TV, including specialty segments such as Entertainment & Pop Culture, Hello Open Metaverse, Business & Buzz, Cannabis Culture, Influencer, Millennial Mom, Innovation & Tech, Scandals, Trailblazer, and more. Upcoming guests for its 100th episode anniversary include actors Frank Grillo and Paul Ben Victor, Romulus Entertainment CEO Brad Feinstein, director Eif Riviera; celebrity matchmaker and life coach Carmelia Ray; and CEO & Founder, Tal Navarro. Past guests have included super model and CEO Kathy Ireland, cofounder of Animoca Brands, Yat Siu, x2 Soundcloud winner singer/songwriter Amun Starr, author Madison Malloy, New Jersey State Senator Holly Schepisi, Kimberley Guilfoyle, Amy Kennedy, actor Kevin Sorbo, and Down Syndrome advocate Abigail Adams. Vince Molinari, FINTECH.TV Founder and CEO, said, “We are thrilled to share Xen’s unique voice and dynamic show with our global FINTECH.TV audience. As we continue to grow worldwide and create a true daily global streaming network focused on blockchain, digital assets and sustainability, Xen is the perfect host to contextualize the most relevant trends happening in the world today.” Xen Sams, Live On Air Host said, “We are extremely excited to partner with FINTECH.TV and share A MoMent of Xen with FINTECH.TV’s global audience. I can’t think of a better place to bring CEO’s for in-depth and candid conversations about the most important trends and topics than FINTECH.TV’s studios on the floor of the iconic NYSE." A MoMent of Xen will air weekly on Wednesdays at 7pm EST on FINTECH.TV. Xen’s Exclusive CEO interview series will air weekly on Fridays during “ FINTECH.TV Focus. ” This announcement follows the launch of FINTECH.TV’s new studios on the floor of the NYSE and the Abu Dhabi Global Market, The International Financial Centre (ADGM). FINTECH.TV’s signature show is a daily news program, The Daily Download airing from the floor of the NYSE. Franchise segments include: The Digital Asset Report, The IMPACT, The Great Repricing, ETF Rundown, The Podium SPAC Leaders, Web3 Update and special series Price of Climate, Square One, Faces of Race and Dangerous Women Leading Onwards. ABOUT FINTECH.TV FINTECH.TV is a first of its kind global media platform bringing the latest news and perspectives in finance, blockchain, technology, sustainability, impact investing, SDGs, and ESG. FINTECH.TV broadcasts from its marquis studios on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, at ADGM, Abu Dhabi’s leading International Finance Center, and with presence at other leading international exchanges including NASDAQ and the London Stock Exchange. ABOUT A MOMENT OF XEN Xen Sams is an Actress, Mentor, and Host of 'A Moment of Xen', iHeartRadio & TV Show airing on 710 WOR / The Voice of New York, Live every Saturday night from 9-10pm Est. Covering Entertainment, Fashion, Fintech, Cannabis, Cryptocurrency and Health from the Millennial Mom's perspective.Xen is currently appearing alongside Charlie Hunnam in Mel Gibson's feature film 'Last Looks'. Xen also appears as Judith White alongside Samuel L Jackson in 'The Banker'. She plays Talia Fields in next summer's Blockbuster 'Tin Soldier' starring Jamie Foxx, Robert De Niro, Scott Eastwood And Rita Ora. Contact Details FINTECH.TV Lauren Hurvitz +1 917-683-5118 Company Website

March 16, 2023 01:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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