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Platonum choisit la technologie UWB de SPARK Microsystems pour sa solution Deep Augment

SPARK Microsystems

SPARK Microsystems, une entreprise canadienne de semi-conducteurs spécialisée dans les communications sans fil à ultra-large bande (UWB) de nouvelle génération, a annoncé aujourd'hui que l'innovateur suédois de montres Platonum a choisi la technologie UWB de SPARK pour fournir un flux de données en temps réel à très faible latence et à faible consommation pour la première série de montres de Platonum. Platonum est la première montre au monde construite avec cette technologie et ces matériaux uniques qui gèrent tous les calculs à l'extérieur de l'appareil, ce qui permet d'atteindre des vitesses et une puissance de calcul quasi illimitées pour un contenu personnalisable diffusé directement sur la montre. « La nouvelle montre Deep Augment TM de Platonum représente une véritable révolution dans le mode de vie des consommateurs et crée un nouveau segment de marché pour les montres de pointe », a déclaré Julie Delamarre, vice-présidente des ventes EMEA de SPARK Microsystems. « La montre Platonum est basée sur une ingénierie unique, ce qui en fait un produit visionnaire qui s'appuie sur les capacités de transmission de données à courte distance de la technologie UWB de SPARK ». L'émetteur-récepteur sans fil UWB à très faible consommation de SPARK permet de créer une nouvelle catégorie d'applications de connectivité sans fil à courte portée, comme l'illustre la montre Platonum. L'émetteur-récepteur sans fil UWB de SPARK offre une efficacité énergétiqueet une latence meilleures que celles de Bluetooth Low Energy ou de ZigBee à des débits de données plus élevés, ce qui permet un flux de données ininterrompu ainsi qu'une mesure de distance et un positionnement précis. « La technologie UWB de SPARK a été intégrée à la montre parce que ses capacités permettent de concrétiser la vision de notre produit », a déclaré Thomas Eriksson, fondateur et PDG de Platonum. « Ces capacités permettront à nos clients d'utiliser quelque chose d'unique et de sur mesure ». Platonum rompt avec la dépendance des clients à l'égard des chipsets intégrés en déplaçant les calculs à l’extérieur de la montre. Grâce à la diffusion interactive en temps réel, il n'est pas nécessaire de remplacer des pièces pour rester à la pointe de la technologie. Les mises à niveau de la puissance de traitement s'effectuent sur le serveur, ce qui rend chaque Platonum infiniment adaptable. Il n'existe actuellement aucun concurrent capable d'offrir la même polyvalence et la même puissance. Platonum est une magnifique montre conçue, fabriquée et assemblée à la main en Suède. À propos de Platonum Platonum construit des montres sur mesure avec une technologie et des matériaux uniques, créant un nouvel ensemble d’expériences pour les clients en utilisant la solution Deep Augment. UX Stream, société sœur de Platonum, est une société de logiciels dotée de la technologie MIRS (Mobile Interactive Real-Time Streaming) unique en son genre. La solution de streaming d'UX Stream permet de concentrer une grande quantité de puissance de traitement dans un petit format, en allant directement du serveur à l'utilisateur, en contournant toutes les barrières matérielles pour permettre des interfaces et des applications plus riches, plus rapides et plus innovantes. La solution de bout en bout d'UX Stream permet d'adapter n'importe quelle application à n'importe quel appareil. La solution Deep AugmentTM est construite à l'aide de MIRSTM d'UX Stream. À propos de SPARK Microsystems SPARK Microsystems construit des dispositifs de communication sans fil UWB à courte portée de prochaine génération. La technologie SPARK UWB fournit des liaisons de communication sans fil à débit de données élevé et à très faible latence avec un profil de puissance ultra-faible, ce qui la rend idéale pour les réseaux personnels (PAN) utilisés dans les produits mobiles, grand public et connectés à l’IoT. Grâce à ses technologies brevetées, SPARK Microsystems permet de minimiser et d’éliminer les fils et les batteries d’un large éventail d’applications. Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur​ Contact Details Jenna Beaucage +1 508-340-6851 Platonum Karl Höglund +46 70 930 70 22 Company Website

April 12, 2023 08:29 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Platonum Selects SPARK Microsystems’ UWB Tech for its Deep Augment Solution

SPARK Microsystems

SPARK Microsystems, a Canadian fabless semiconductor company specializing in next-generation ultra-wideband (UWB), today announced that Swedish watch innovator Platonum has chosen SPARK’s UWB technology to provide ultra-low latency and low power, real-time data streaming for Platonum’s first series of Deep Augment TM watches. Platonum is the world’s first timepiece built with this unique technology and materials that handle all computation outside of the device, achieving near-limitless speeds and computing power for customizable content streamed directly to the watch. “Platonum’s new Deep Augment TM watch represents a true revolution in consumer lifestyles and is creating a new market segment of cutting-edge watches,” said Julie Delamarre, SPARK Microsystems, Vice President of EMEA Sales. “The Platonum watch is based on unique engineering, making it a visionary product enabled by the short-range data streaming capabilities of SPARK’s UWB technology. The ultra-low power SPARK UWB wireless transceiver enables a new class of short-range wireless connectivity applications, exemplified by Platonum. The SPARK UWB wireless transceiver achieves an order of magnitude greater energy efficiency, latency and ranging than Bluetooth Low Energy or ZigBee at faster data rates, supporting uninterrupted data streaming as well as accurate ranging and positioning. “SPARK’s UWB technology was designed into the watch because its capabilities are an enabler to the vision of our product,” said Thomas Eriksson, Platonum, Founder and CEO. “These capabilities will allow our customers to use something unique and tailor-made.” Platonum breaks customers’ dependence on disposable embedded chipsets by moving computation outside the watch. Leveraging interactive real-time streaming, there’s no need to replace any parts to stay cutting-edge. Processing power upgrades happen on the server making each Platonum infinitely adaptable. There are currently no competitors capable of delivering the same versatility and power. Platonum is a beautiful watch designed, engineered, and assembled by hand in Sweden. About Platonum Platonum builds tailor-made watches with unique technology and materials, creating a new set of customer expectations utilizing the Deep Augment Solution. UX Stream, a sister company to Platonum, is a software company with a unique MIRS technology (Mobile Interactive Real-Time Streaming). UX Stream’s streaming solution can pack a large amount of processing power into a small frame, going straight from the server to the user, bypassing all hardware walls to enable richer, faster, and more innovative interfaces and applications. UX Stream’s end-to-end solution brings any application to any device. The Deep AugmentTM Solution is built using MIRSTM from UX Stream. About SPARK Microsystems​ SPARK Microsystems is a fabless semiconductor company that is leading the way towards ultra-low power wireless communications for consumer and IoT-connected devices. With its patented technologies, SPARK Microsystems is bringing to market a high-performance wireless transceiver that allows for orders of magnitude improved power consumption, latency and more accurate ranging and positioning, while providing higher data rates than competing technologies. ​For more information, please visit​ Contact Details Jenna Beaucage +1 508-340-6851 Platonum tact: Karl Höglund +46 70 930 70 22 Company Website

April 12, 2023 08:21 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Tradeweb, Euroclear and Informa Global Markets Announce Collaboration to Automate the Security Identification and Setup Process in the Primary Market


Tradeweb, Euroclear and Informa Global Markets (IGM) today jointly announced a collaboration to automate the security identification and setup process for soon-to-be issued syndicated Eurobonds in the primary market. This solution aims to significantly improve the way investors access and manage critical pre-pricing data for newly-syndicated Eurobonds, facilitating further automation of primary markets and a streamlined transition into secondary trading. Many newly-issued Eurobonds enter the market without essential information regarding the new bond, including security identifiers and critical deal information. Due to fragmentation in primary markets, timely and accurate reference and real-time deal data can be delayed. This hinders market participants from satisfying data requirements to book trades in newly-issued securities. Buy-side investors are often left with the task of finding manual workarounds and face the risk of incorrect orders or allocations. Through the Euroclear and IGM data solutions, the information describing the new issue, the security identifiers and the deal data will become available on Tradeweb at a much earlier stage in the trade process and on a real-time basis, as a newly-issued Eurobond is marketed and priced. Through Tradeweb, participants will have the ability to consume the collated data shell directly or via Tradeweb’s existing order management system (OMS) integrations with over 480 OMSs and 2,500 clients. This will allow investors to automatically set up their new issue securities and efficiently manage their order and allocation process. “Through collaborating with our mutual clients, we identified the need to automate the security setup process in the primary market,” said Enrico Bruni, Head of Europe and Asia Business, Tradeweb. “We believe this solution will change the way buy-side investors access essential data for new issues. It’s another step toward a more automated primary market and building greater and faster connectivity with the secondary market.” “Through this solution, we will address a critical issue for primary market investors around the need for quicker access to reliable new issue deal information for Eurobonds,” said Philippe Laurensy, Group Head of Strategy, Product and Innovation, Euroclear. “We are extremely pleased to be working with Tradeweb and Informa Global Markets on this initiative, which we expect will significantly reduce cost and risk on the buy-side community. As a financial market infrastructure, our role is to bring efficiencies, connectivity and safety to the market value chain from issuers to investors through innovative and sustainable solutions.” “The previous downstream new issue data setup and reconciliation process was entirely manual and generated significant execution risk,” said Terry Wilby, Managing Director, IGM. “With this new tri-party solution, buy-side clients will have access to trusted, reliable, accurate and timely information on new bonds readily integrated into their OMS, Execution Management Systems (EMS) and internal systems.” This initiative is an example of how, through open collaboration and partnership, change and innovation becomes increasingly possible in the primary market. This service is expected to launch in Q3 of 2023. About Tradeweb Markets Tradeweb Markets Inc. (Nasdaq: TW) is a leading, global operator of electronic marketplaces for rates, credit, equities and money markets. Founded in 1996, Tradeweb provides access to markets, data and analytics, electronic trading, straight-through-processing and reporting for more than 40 products to clients in the institutional, wholesale and retail markets. Advanced technologies developed by Tradeweb enhance price discovery, order execution and trade workflows while allowing for greater scale and helping to reduce risks in client trading operations. Tradeweb serves approximately 2,500 clients in more than 65 countries. On average, Tradeweb facilitated more than $1.1 trillion in notional value traded per day over the past four quarters. For more information, please go to About Euroclear Euroclear group is the financial industry's trusted provider of post trade services. Guided by its purpose, Euroclear innovates to bring safety, efficiency and connections to financial markets for sustainable economic growth. Euroclear provides settlement and custody of domestic and cross-border securities for bonds, equities and derivatives, and investment funds. As a proven, resilient capital market infrastructure, Euroclear is committed to delivering risk-mitigation, automation and efficiency at scale for its global client franchise. The Euroclear group comprises Euroclear Bank, the International CSD, as well as Euroclear Belgium, Euroclear Finland, Euroclear France, Euroclear Nederland, Euroclear Sweden, Euroclear UK & International and MFEXbyEuroclear. For more information, please go to About Informa Global Markets (IGM) IGM is the primary source for live, trusted syndicated bond data and intelligence, and a leading provider of insight on market-moving events in foreign exchange and rates markets. We pride ourselves on speed, accuracy, and flexibility of delivery to a range of clients including banks, fund managers, trading platforms, quant traders and workflow solution providers. For more information, please visit IGM is an Informa Connect business. Forward-Looking Statements This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws. Statements related to, among other things, our outlook and future performance, the industry and markets in which we operate, our expectations, beliefs, plans, strategies, objectives, prospects and assumptions and future events are forward-looking statements. We have based these forward-looking statements on our current expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections. While we believe these expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections are reasonable, such forward-looking statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control. These and other important factors, including those discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" in documents of Tradeweb Markets Inc. on file with or furnished to the SEC, may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Given these risks and uncertainties, you are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this release are not guarantees of future performance and our actual results of operations, financial condition or liquidity, and the development of the industry and markets in which we operate, may differ materially from the forward-looking statements contained in this release. In addition, even if our results of operations, financial condition or liquidity, and events in the industry and markets in which we operate, are consistent with the forward-looking statements contained in this release, they may not be predictive of results or developments in future periods. Any forward-looking statement that we make in this release speaks only as of the date of such statement. Except as required by law, we do not undertake any obligation to update or revise, or to publicly announce any update or revision to, any of the forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, after the date of this release. Contact Details Tradeweb Media Contact Nadine Habib +44 7917 266191 Euroclear Media Contact Craig MacDonald +44 20 7849 0315 IGM Media Contact Richard Kennerley +44 7876 684262

April 12, 2023 03:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Enerflo Integrates Emporia Smart Home Energy Management Products Into Its Best-in-Class Proposal Tool, Optimus


Enerflo, the only lead to PTO Solar Platform, announces an integration partnership with Emporia, manufacturers of award-winning smart home energy management products and software. The integration is available to all Enerflo partners who register with Emporia. Residential solar sales dealers, installers and EPCs that are partnered with both Enerflo and Emporia can sell some or all of Emporia’s smart home energy management products as part of their solar deals through Enerflo’s best-in-class proposal tool, Optimus. With integrations for design and financing, and Docflo, Enerflo’s proprietary contracting software, selling solar to end consumers is fast and easy through Enerflo. Emporia is revolutionizing home energy with its ecosystem of products -- including energy monitors, EV chargers, smart plugs, energy management software, inverters, home batteries and more. Emporia’s home energy monitoring products and software have been recognized by Newsweek and PC Magazine and are top-rated on “This partnership couldn’t be more harmonious as we’ve been on a mission to deliver exceptional value to help consumers save money by getting smarter about their energy usage,” said Shawn McLaughlin, Emporia Founder and CEO. “Working with Enerflo will open up new avenues to educate the public on the many options available on the market and showing the many benefits that solar can add to a home.” “The Enerflo team is super excited for this integration partnership with Emporia,” said Pat Bennett, Enerflo Co-Founder and CEO. He continued, “It gives our partners another tool to help them increase their pull-through and customer satisfaction with award-winning home energy management solutions that maximize their customers’ solar investment.” About Emporia Emporia is an energy management technology company that is revolutionizing home energy with a goal of making energy efficiency accessible to all homeowners by creating energy-saving technology at the lowest cost and highest quality possible. Emporia’s line of products includes smart home energy monitors, smart plugs, EV chargers, home battery systems, and an integrative app that allows for easy energy management. By reducing customers’ energy use and saving them money, Emporia is helping people create a healthier planet and build a brighter future for us all. For more information, visit About Enerflo Enerflo is the only Lead to PTO Solar Platform: Cutting soft costs and project duration through tech consolidation, data centralization and process efficiencies. Purpose-built for Residential Solar Installers, EPCs and Sales Dealers, Enerflo helps these organizations deploy more solar and related services through sales and business process automation. Installers rely on multiple tools from lead to install; Enerflo connects them with native platform features into one, cohesive sales and install platform. Enerflo is the backbone of some of the top solar providers, powering billions of dollars in residential solar sales, and can be relied on to deliver one connected flow from lead to PTO. Learn more at Contact Details Enerflo Rebecca Taylor +1 760-214-5549 Company Website

April 11, 2023 10:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time

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Alana and Ramon Alvarez Grow Minuteman Press Franchise in Colorado Springs

Minuteman Press International Inc

Alana and Ramon Alvarez have owned their Minuteman Press franchise in Colorado Springs since August of 2019. Minuteman Press in Colorado Springs has been operating for 15 years since 2008 and is located at 6870 N. Academy Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO, 80918. After taking over the business nearly 4 years ago, Alana and Ramon have consistently grown their business and increased sales “by nearly 400% since we started,” according to Ramon. Journey to Minuteman Press Alana and Ramon “met at work 31 years ago” and the rest is history, according to Ramon. He shares, “Alana is my forever partner. After leaving the company, we lived throughout the West Coast and South America throughout our time together. I continued to work in the corporate world and Alana managed our household and led the raising of our children.” In 2019, it was time for a change. Ramon says, “Fast forward to August 5, 2019. That is when we began our small business journey, owning our Minuteman Press center in Colorado Springs. Minuteman Press International RVP Jack Panzer was instrumental in helping us acquire this existing location, which has been doing business in Colorado Springs since 2008. Jack helped us throughout the purchasing and on-boarding process, just as he does now in supporting us to grow along with excellent field support talent like Todd Golberg at the time (who is now RVP in New England), and now Sky Hittle.” Operating the Business & Ongoing Support Nearly 4 years after purchasing the business, Ramon remains excited about working with Alana, sharing: “Today, Alana and I continue commuting to our business together, excited to spend quality time with each other while creating outstanding experiences for our clients, just as we did 31 years ago when we first met. We are fortunate to be serving many clients in the Pikes Peak Region, having grown our sales by nearly 400% since we started.” Specifically, Ramon says, “Our small business has evolved into a one-stop shop for our clients, providing design, print, promotional items, direct mail, and more! We are now providing vehicle and window graphics, along with building sign replacements. We won’t stop there, ensuring we continue to listen to our clients, and treating each of them like a VIP. In spite of the digital transformation that marketing has experienced, print is everywhere, and continues to be leveraged by businesses launching or striving for growth. Print simply looks different today, with a critical role in creating an omnichannel experience for clients, like adding QR codes to drive the client’s audience to a website, scheduling form, or otherwise.” As he reflects on what it’s been like to transition from the corporate world to small business owner, Ramon says, “Having led large teams with large budgets in the Americas, I felt that being a small business owner would be relatively easy. It’s actually the hardest role I’ve ever had, yet it’s the most rewarding by far.” Ramon explains how the support he’s received as a Minuteman Press franchise owner has helped him along the way: “Minuteman Press has been supporting us in many ways, setting us up for success. In my career, I was previously an operations executive and so I wanted a proven brand, a proven system, and a proven structure to allow us to succeed as small business owners. Minuteman Press International has given us all of that.” He continues, “The Minuteman Press FLEX software, which allows us to connect with our clients for quoting, invoicing, work orders, marketing, and more, has been invaluable. The support team is also outstanding in urgently reacting to our needs, as they have extensive experience and an aptitude to serve.” Marketing & Being Active in the Community When it comes to marketing the business, Ramon shares, “No silver bullet exists in marketing our small business, and Minuteman Press has supported owners successfully who may not be experts in the industry. We focus on providing outstanding experiences for our clients through our high-performing team, delivering quality, speed, and reliability. Every customer is a VIP. We leverage direct mail, use digital marketing, networking, and other marketing opportunities, just like businesses in all industries do, focusing heavily on our target audiences and key clients.” Being active in the community is also key to Alana and Ramon’s local outreach efforts. Ramon says, “We also engage with our community, advocating for local business growth through various volunteer efforts. I serve as the current Chair of the Board of Directors for the Colorado Springs Chamber and EDC, on the Board of Directors for the Southern Colorado Better Business Bureau, on the Board of Directors of the Colorado Springs Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Consult for the Pikes Peak Region Small Business Development Center, and help drive economic development in our region for our local businesses any way I can.” Ramon concludes, “By helping our community of businesses prosper, opportunities for prosperity are available for all.” Minuteman Press in Colorado Springs is located at 6870 N. Academy Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO, 80918. For more information, visit their website: Learn more about #1 rated Minuteman Press franchise opportunities and read Minuteman Press franchise reviews at Contact Details Minuteman Press International Chris Biscuiti +1 631-249-1370 Company Website

April 10, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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AmpliTech to Host Quarterly Investor Call to Review Record 2022 Earnings on Monday April 10th at 4:00 PM ET; Dial-in # 1-833-630-0019 or 1-412-317-1807

Amplitech Group, Inc.

McapMediaWire - AmpliTech Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMPG ) a designer, developer, and manufacturer of state-of-the-art signal-processing components for satellite, 5G, and other communications networks and a worldwide distributor of packages and lids for integrated circuit assembly, and designer of complete 5G/6G systems, today announced that it will host its quarterly earnings call for Q4 2022 on Monday April 10th at 4:00 p.m. ET to review the progress of its growth initiatives and answer investor questions. Investor Call Details Date/Time: Monday, April 10th at 4:00 pm ET Dial-in Number: 1-833-630-0019 (domestic) or 1-412-317-1807 (international) Online Replay/Transcript: Audio file and call transcript will be posted to AmpliTech’s news page when available. Investor Questions: May be submitted to investors prior to or during the call In a year marked by impressive growth and success, AmpliTech's 2022 earnings showcase a nearly three-fold increase in year-over-year revenue, rising from $5.3 million to $19.4 million. Additionally, the Company's gross margins were almost double from 24.5% to a company high 46.0%, highlighting the efficiency and effectiveness of its operational strategies. The earnings call will be led by AmpliTech's CEO and key executives, who will provide an in-depth review of the company's financial results, recent achievements, and future outlook. Investors, analysts, and media are invited to join the call to gain insights into AmpliTech's continued success and its plans for sustained growth and expansion. Notable achievements contributing to AmpliTech's high growth in 2022 include strategic acquisitions, innovative product launches, and key partnerships with industry-leading organizations. These accomplishments have allowed the company to solidify its position as a leader in its market and expand its global presence. To participate in the April 10th earnings call, please refer to the above dial-in information. About AmpliTech Group AmpliTech Group, Inc. designs, develops, manufactures, and distributes state-of-the-art radio frequency (RF) microwave components for global satellite communications, telecom (5G & IoT), space, defense, and quantum computing markets as well as systems and component design consulting services. In December 2021, AmpliTech completed the purchase of the assets and operations of Spectrum Semiconductor Materials Inc. a global specialty distributor of semiconductor components based in San Jose, CA. AmpliTech has a 13+ year track record of developing high performance, custom solutions to meet the unique needs of some of the largest companies in the global industries we serve. We are proud of our focused team's unique skills, experience and dedication, which enables us to deliver superior solutions, faster time to market, competitive pricing, excellent customer satisfaction and repeat business. For more information, visit: Safe Harbor Statement This release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements. These statements appear in several places in this release and include all statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company, its directors or its officers with respect to, among other things: (i) the Company's ability to execute its business plan as anticipated; (ii) trends affecting the Company's financial condition or results of operations; (iii) the Company's growth strategy and operating strategy. The words "may" "would" "will" "expect" "estimate" "anticipate" "believe" "intend" and similar expressions and variations thereof are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control, and that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements because of various factors. Other risks are identified and described in more detail in the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s filings with the SEC, which are available on our website. We undertake no obligation to update, and we do not have a policy of updating or revising these forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable law. Corporate Social Media Twitter: @AmpliTechAMPG Instagram: @AmpliTechAMPG Facebook: AmpliTechInc Investor Social Media Twitter: @AMPG_IR StockTwits: @AMPG_IR Company Contact: Shan Sawant, Director of Communications AmpliTech Group, Inc. Investor Relations Contact: Kirin Smith, President PCG Advisory, Inc. Contact Details AmpliTech Group, Inc. Company Website

April 10, 2023 09:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Mike The Pike Productions, Inc. (OTC: MIKP) Path to Pink Current: Company Files Form 10 w/Audited Financials Toward Becoming SEC Fully Reporting

Mike The Pike Productions, Inc.

McapMediaWire -- Mike The Pike Productions, Inc. (OTC: MIKP ) (“The Company”), ($MIKP), a fan-owned entertainment studio focused in the acquisition, development, and production of entertainment intellectual property through its wholly owned subsidiary, announces today that it has filed a Form 10 registration Statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) to register its common stock under Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and become a fully reporting company. Accompanying Form 10 are PCAOB audited financials. The PCAOB audit was conducted by Dan Barton of Barton CPA ( / ). The Form 10 registration statement automatically becomes effective sixty days post-filing. Following the effective date, the Company will be subject to the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act. The Company will begin filing annual reports with the SEC on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, periodic reports on Form 8-K, and subject itself to additional reporting obligations related to proxies, shareholder actions, and stock ownership rules. The Company will also be subject to U.S. GAAP reporting requirements with respect to the reports it files with the SEC. The increased regulatory oversight and credibility of being an SEC reporting company will assist investors in making more informed and educated investment decisions about the Company. As we understand, filing Form 10 with audited financials via EDGAR will satisfy requirements for Pink Current status with OTC Markets upon their acknowledgment and review of the filings accordingly. MIKP CEO states: “The filing of the Form 10 registration statement is a crucial milestone in our long-term efforts to provide increased transparency and accountability to shareholders. Our transition to a fully reporting company is just the first step in our elevating the Company to new horizons toward our goal of becoming a mini-major entertainment studio with a current focus in acquisition, development, and production of film/television/streaming projects along with investments and opportunities in gaming, web3 and metaverse, VR/AR, and artificial Intelligence." LIKE, FOLLOW & SHARE AT: Facebook: @arowanamedia Twitter: @ArowanaOfficial and @MTPprods IG: ArowanaMedia About Mike The Pike Productions (OTC: MIKP), Arowana Media Holdings and Mike The Pike Entertainment Mike The Pike Productions is a publicy traded media holdings company operating through its subsidiary Arowana Media Holdings, Inc. ( ), a fan-owned entertainment studio focused on IP Acquisitions, Development and Production, and building a diverse portfolio of IP for the entertainment marketplace. It does this via its flagship subsidiary, Mike the Pike Entertainment, LLC, which will acquire, incubate and develop IP which can then be used to complement horizontally integrated subsidiaries focused in Film/Television/Streaming, Publishing, Software/Gaming, esports, AR/VR, Web3, Metaverse, and Artificial Intelligence. CONTACT: CEO Mark B. Newbauer Contact Details Mark B. Newbauer Company Website

April 10, 2023 09:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Nextech3D.AI announces arrangement agreement as it moves forward with spin-out of Toggle3D


Nextech3D.AI (CSE:NTAR, OTCQX:NEXCF) CEO Evan Gappelberg joined Proactive's Stephen Gunnion with news that the company has entered into an arrangement agreement with its wholly-owned subsidiary Toggle3D and a special purpose financing company, 1400330 B.C. Ltd (FinanceCo) for the spin-out of Toggle3D to a SpinCo. Gappelberg told Proactive that the spin-off of Toggle3D will give Nextech shareholders ownership in yet another exciting public company. Toggle3D already has over 1,300 users on its AI-Powered 3D design studio, which leaves it well positioned for growth in the rapidly emerging 3D everything and everywhere world, the company said. Contact Details Proactive Investors Canada +1 604-688-8158

April 10, 2023 08:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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ASP Isotopes CEO says future technologies "are not going to work without isotopes"

ASP Isotopes

ASP Isotopes (NASDAQ:ASPI) CEO Paul Mann speaks to Proactive after announcing the conclusion of the construction and cold commissioning of a light isotope enrichment facility in Pretoria, South Africa. Mann highlights the importance of isotopes for many of the most promising emerging technologies in realms including quantum computing, healthcare and sustainable energy. He also speaks about a recent fundraise, the proceeds of which will be used to finish constructing a second, larger plant in South Africa. Contact Details Proactive Investors +1 347-449-0879

April 10, 2023 07:35 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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