‘Ready for Ron’ Now ‘Ready to Win’
Ready for Ron
For more than a year, Ready for Ron, an independent group working to Draft Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to run for President, actively built support for his candidacy. A petition with more than 250,000 signatures (and a lawsuit against the Federal Election Commission to share it) tens of thousands of TV and online ads, along with millions of phone calls, mail pieces, and emails, and a grassroots and coalitions program has done its job - Governor Ron DeSantis is expected to soon announce he’s running for President. With Governor DeSantis about to become an official candidate, Ready for Ron is changing its name to ‘Ready to Win’ to reflect its singular mission to nominate and elect Ron DeSantis to win in 2024. “We spent an entire year running thousands of TV ads, millions of mailings, and tens of millions of online, email, and social connections to drive the narrative – Ron DeSantis will be our next President,” stated Ed Rollins, Ready to Win’s Chief Political Strategist. “We built an infrastructure. We completely changed the discussion. With a quarter million petition signers calling for him to run we are thrilled that we see our goal achieved - Ron DeSantis entering the Presidential race. He may well be the only leader who can defeat Joe Biden.” In addition to its outreach and engagement initiatives, Ready for Ron worked with Impact Social to analyze the online and social media discussion in relation to Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump among swing voters. The data clearly and consistently shows Ron DeSantis can beat Joe Biden, and Donald Trump simply can’t. Additional data research with multiple vendors covering more than 19 million voters affirms these findings. “Winning the nomination and the general election requires us all to work together to build this movement and save our nation,” stated Ready to Win Counsel, Dan Backer. “Our groundbreaking research debunked the bad polling plaguing Republicans for more than eight years. Using cutting edge massive data monitoring proves what everyone already knows - Donald Trump’s supporters are loyal and loud, but confined to only a sliver of the population that cannot grow. Moderate, swing, and independent voters are not coming back to Trump, ever, and he cannot possibly win the general Election – Ron DeSantis can.” “Voters young and old both know Governor DeSantis has a proven track record of standing up for America’s values. He is committed to defending the rights of parents, getting inflation and government spending under control, and solving the problems the radical left is causing. He dares to say no to the bullies, no matter how powerful they may seem. He can deliver safe streets, sane schools, and a soaring economy,” stated Gabriel Llanes, Executive Director of Ready to Win. “DeSantis is much more than a politician with savvy instincts; he is a public servant through and through. No ego to get in the way because he is about results.” “We will continue our ground-up grassroots efforts in key primary states, doing the hard work to train and mobilize a volunteer army to nominate, and elect, our next great American president,” Rollins continued. We feel DeSantis is well prepared to be the candidate to win the Republican nomination and beat President Biden. We are officially, Ready to Win!” ### For more information or to schedule an interview with a Ready to Win spokesperson, please contact Dan Rene at 202-329-8357 or dan@readyforron.com. Contact Details Ready to Win Dan Rene +1 202-329-8357 dan@readyforron.com Company Website https://www.readyforron.com/
May 23, 2023 02:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time